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Mayors and minister: faster fines for corona violations | Inland

A warned person who commits another violation a week later, will immediately receive a fine, explains chairman Hubert Bruls (mayor of Nijmegen) of the council. Offenders who laugh at the reprimand they receive, for example, are also immediately banned. “Don’t you want to listen? Then a fine. We are taking a step forward. Enforcers are now more likely to approach groups. A national line will be created here, ”says Bruls.

Previously, enforcers almost only acted in the event of excesses. For example, actions were taken at illegal parties and catering establishments that structurally ignored the rules. Now that the number of infections is increasing rapidly, that line is over. “If you ignore a warning, you will be fined,” says Grapperhaus.

Especially when it comes to adhering to the group formation and consuming alcohol, the reins are tightened. According to Bruls, this is because these measures are new. Last week, the cabinet announced a new package of measures. In addition to the gathering, the ban on the sale of alcohol after 8 p.m., for example, the catering industry had to close. The number of fines will increase considerably. But that depends on the behavior of the Dutch, say the mayors and the minister. “If people properly adhere to the corona rules, things will go well.”

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