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Mayor Warns of Immigrant Crisis Threatening to Destroy New York City

“Let me tell you something, New Yorkers, I have never had a problem in my life that I don’t see an end to; but I don’t see an end to this,” the mayor said at a forum Wednesday night in Manhattan. “This problem will destroy New York City,” he declared dramatically.

But the mayor went one step further, in what are his harshest statements on the matter, ensuring that the city is not receiving enough help from the state of New York or the federal government to face this crisis that has a national character.

Last week, Adams had once again criticized the Democratic Biden administration, saying that New York City’s requests for help remained largely unaddressed, and called for a declaration of a federal emergency and a “decompression strategy in border”. She has also called for more funding to address the growing arrival of immigrants to the city and the accelerated issuance of work permits for them so they can fend for themselves.

According to Adams, President Biden has “failed” the city by not doing more to help and try to resolve this crisis. “It is time for the state and federal governments to step forward,” the mayor insisted. What Adams has not mentioned is that the immigrant crisis in New York is due to the fact that the federal immigration system is overwhelmed and the Congress has not acted to find a solution through comprehensive immigration reform.

Immigration crisis in New York: why the mayor says he is going to destroy the city

In recent months, New York City has had to battle with a growing arrival of buses with asylum-seeking immigrants from Texas and Florida, to whom it has to provide care. And also foreigners who have moved to that state on their own in the hope of finding work.

Local officials have recently warned that the city has virtually no space to receive more immigrants, to whom it is required to provide food, shelter and other basic assistance, according to a long-standing court order that Adams is seeking. leave without effect, at least temporarily.

According to the mayor’s own figures on Wednesday, the city is currently dealing with 110,000 undocumented immigrants (the majority seeking asylum), of which nearly 60,000 occupy beds in shelters, both in traditional shelters and in the more than 200 facilities of different types enabled to house them temporarily. In addition, the city’s already overcrowded schools have had to accommodate just over 20,000 migrant children in their classrooms for the start of this new school year.

According to Adams, these increasingly unaffordable expenses are creating a budget gap in the city that could amount to as much as $12 billion.

“Every community in this city will be affected,” Adams said at Wednesday’s meeting. “We have a deficit of $12 billion that we are going to have to cut; All services in this city will be affected. “All of us,” she said.

This shelter in New York is only receiving migrants who arrive with children: What will happen to the others?

Many immigrants try to make ends meet on their own, with their own family networks or contacts, but thousands depend on the attention of the authorities, who have set up hotels, schools, gyms and even tent camps to give them shelter.

According to a report from the EFE agency, in the last three weeks the flow of immigrants arriving in the city has been an average of 3,000 a week. At the beginning of this crisis, the majority of migrants were Venezuelans, but now citizens from West African countries have also joined them.

Reactions to the words of the mayor of New York

The forceful statements of the mayor of New York provided more arguments for Republicans to attack Biden’s immigration policy and use them against him to campaign.

But at the same time, the controversial statements generated strong criticism from immigrant advocacy groups and some figures in the Democratic Party, who described Adams’ rhetoric as “racist” and assured that it could lead to acts of violence and discrimination against these immigrants. people.

“What we’ve seen with the rhetoric he’s using is that he’s activating people in a negative way against their new neighbors,” New York Immigration Coalition executive director Murad Awawdeh told The New York Times. “The mayor should think better. “The contributions of the immigrant community here have been seismic.”

For its part, the White House issued a statement defending its response to New York’s immigration crisis, highlighting that it has allocated $140 million in new federal funds to the city and state this year. However, spokesman Angelo Fernández pointed out, “only Congress can reform our broken immigration system and provide additional resources to communities across the country.”

“There is no more space”: dozens of migrants camp around the Roosevelt Hotel in New York

2023-09-08 14:56:00
#Yorks #mayor #mass #immigration #destroy #city

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