Home » today » World » Mayor of San José calls for laws to regulate gun control | Video | Univision 19 Sacramento KUVS

Mayor of San José calls for laws to regulate gun control | Video | Univision 19 Sacramento KUVS

deep in this city.This is the report that I haveprepared.in san joé the calm only nocame back.to a day of tragedy thatended the life of ninepeople confirmed to himattacker, many fear to return toyour everyday life.what can happen, canhappen. one does not know in whatmoment a person loses theconscience.we interview the mayor sanJoe is aware that he prevailedbeyond this shooting and littlecan be done, in your opinion,without gun control.not much to do withavoid the risk in a foot of300 million souls. is thereality in the united states.This is not to do something before thenumber of weapons is not good.autoia and confirmed thatare working to supportthe blood of the victims inthis episode.>> to startour journey on this trailto heal, and heal us.david: these are the faces ofthe victims.>> our employees for atraining. and they have told usnot sure that they believe that because of thatthere was only trainingnine losses.non-profit organizationthat collects data onincident of violence withweapons, define a mass shootinglike four or so peopleshot or killed in asingle event not including theshooter.there were 39 marin three out of ninemass shootings recorded incalifornia 2020 and 49 19.Only in this month havereported seven shootingsmassive in our state.>> it is obvious that we needmore mental health services.we need to take care of each other aothers.david: a massacre that hasmarked in the life of san joéand has opened a wounddeep that will take a long timetime to heal.we return live to san joé,where little by little more peoplethey are meeting in thisvigil. It’s not evenIt is necessary to describe it. it ismassive presence of peoplehere. they aresolidarity with this massacrethat they have filled with mourning andpain. also invite him tothere is going to be an ode in yourscreen. activate the camerayour smartphone andit will rain to an article whereI wrote where to find the wingsinformation about this shootingmassive in san joé. whereyou will find local resources atsacrament to be able to receivemental health assistance. soimportant in these times. Yis one of the topics asdeep that have to dowith this massacre.

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