Home » today » World » Mayor of San Antonio Masahuat announces suspension of work due to non-payment of FODES

Mayor of San Antonio Masahuat announces suspension of work due to non-payment of FODES

The mayor of San Antonio Masahuat, in La Paz, informed the population through their social networks that they have been in the last month of operations, since they do not have funds to continue providing their services.

“We inform the population that we are facing the last month with liquidity to function with the possibility of a technical closure,” says the statement.

Sources from the mayor’s office recalled that they have not received the FODES payment from the Government for ten months and that the low reception of municipal taxes prevents them from continuing to operate.

Photo LPG / Alfredo Rodríguez.

“We are going to enter a technical strike because we do not have to continue operating. We collect in municipal taxes about $ 3,000, so that only one employee will remain for the family registry and cadastre, the others will be dismissed while this situation is normalized. Previously, 25 contracts had already been suspended and now another 10 to 11 places are going to be suppressed, momentarily ”, explained Roberto Beltrán, municipal trustee.

He added that for the moment all the projects have stalled and that they have subsisted with savings that the municipality had. In addition, he assured that there is a risk that in the coming days the electricity distribution company will suspend their service, as well as the collection of garbage due to non-payment.

Statement from the mayor’s office published on social networks. Photo LPG / Courtesy.


  • Town hall
  • Mayor
  • Closing
  • Work stoppage

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