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Mayor of Porto Santo admits need to reinforce policing

Catarina Gouveia

Idalino Vasconcelos, mayor of Porto Santo, commented, in statements to radio 88.8 JM / FM, all the “unspeakable” acts of vandalism that have taken place in Ilha Dourada.

The mayor claims that it is unacceptable that minors are going to vacation in Porto Santo without the company of their parents, with some “parental supervision” being essential, so that these teenagers are not left “to their complete freedom”.

“There is a discontent among the population”, says Idalino Vasconcelos, as “no one from Porto Santo goes to Madeira, neither to the Canaries, nor to the Azores, to do what is being done in Porto Santo”, a destination that, in the mayor’s view, “is not able to be a finalist destination” because it goes against all the work that has been done in promoting the Golden Island as a place of “peace, tranquility and without crime”.

Idalino Vasconcelos considers that the work of the PSP in Porto Santo has been “tireless”, but that it is impossible “to have a policeman for each person”. He recognizes that the police presence in Porto Santo needs to be strengthened, even though he considers that this would not be necessary “if there were more civics”.

The Mayor of Porto Santo also mentioned, in comparison with previous years, that this year fewer complaints related to noise during the night are being received. On the other hand, he considers that the cases of vandalism have grown this year, especially “in the last two nights”.

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