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Mayor of Moulézan Resigns After Admitting to Inventing 700 Positive Opinions for Wind Turbine Project

Pierre Lucchini, mayor of Moulézan, comes to send his resignation to the prefect of Gard. This elected official from a village of some 650 inhabitants, located northeast of Nîmes, admitted to having invented nearly 700 positive opinions for a public inquiry into the installation of five wind turbines in his town.

Supported by TotalEnergies and the municipality of Moulézan for several years, this project to install five wind turbines in the Bois des Lens had already sparked a vive opposition from residents of other municipalities concerned, in particular that of Montagnac.

Pierre Lucchini, mayor of Moulézan, admitted to having invented nearly 700 positive opinions in favor of the creation of this wind farm among 2,400 contributions from citizens collected on an online platform, in autumn 2023, during a public inquiry into this project.

In mid-December, the investigating commissioner gave a favorable opinion but with reservations to the project.

The pot aux roses was discovered by our colleagues at‘Objective Gard, relayed by Le Canard Enchaîné: Julien Plantier, first deputy mayor of Nîmes, had discovered that a message of congratulations for this project had been published on the internet with his identity and had filed a complaint for identity theft. Like another elected official from the Agglo de Nîmes and members of the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO).

The mayor of Moulézan must be tried in mid-May before the Nîmes court for forgery and use of forgery and identity theft.

The elected official has just sent his letter of resignation to the prefecture, which confirmed its receipt. The prefect of Gard must now confirm it by mail for it to be official.

Pierre Lucchini, also vice-president of the Nîmes Métropole agglomeration community in charge of new energies, has already lost his delegation. A decision taken at the beginning of February following this forgery affair by Franck Proust, the president of Nîmes métropole.

As for the collective of associations opposed to the installation of wind turbines, they had estimated that “itFraudulent acts should lead to the cancellation of the public inquiry or even the outright abandonment of the project“.

In the meantime, the Nîmes administrative court must appoint a new commission.in order to resume the public inquiry in its entirety”.

2024-02-20 17:33:02
#Wind #farm #Gard #mayor #resigns #fabricating #hundreds #false #citizen #reviews

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