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Mayor of Maastricht: ‘Seriously thinking about 2G’ | 1Limburg

According to mayor of Maastricht Annemarie Penn-te Strake, a 2G society will come into view if the new measures against corona do not work sufficiently.

The cabinet will announce new measures on Friday, but if they do not work sufficiently, we must go much further than we have done so far, says Penn-te Strake.

2G society
Even a 2G society, where you have to be vaccinated or cured to participate in public life, will then come into view. “I’d rather not,” says the mayor. “But if in the end the way we live together is determined by a small minority, we have reached a limit. Then we have to think seriously about 2G.”

“It just has to”
The Maastricht mayor is supported by catering entrepreneur John Paulus, chairman of the Maastricht-Heuvelland department of Koninklijke Horeca Nederland: “Basically we are against anything that curtails our hospitality. But if that is the means, and it provides a workable situation, then have to.” According to the chairman, society should show solidarity, and therefore pay the bill together. “Why should it be the case that the catering industry can only open again until eight o’clock?”

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Mayor Penn makes her statements on the eve of the opening of the carnival season. Major events have been cancelled, but the expectation is that many people will go out and have a party themselves. That is allowed, although the mayor calls on catering entrepreneurs and celebrators to keep it quiet and to stick to the measures and common sense. “If you come to a pub and it is packed, go somewhere else. There are all kinds of solutions that are not enforced by rules, but which we now know are wiser than just letting things run.”

Specific advice
Limburg has been struggling with high corona figures and full hospitals for several weeks. According to Penn, the cabinet will start on Friday with additional measures, and if these are not forthcoming, she hopes for Limburg-specific advice. Penn: “So we know what we can do, what’s sensible.”

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