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Mayor of Antofagasta, Karen Rojo, is suspended from her duties

The Municipality of Antofagasta communicated this Friday that the mayor Karen Rojo was suspended from her duties.

The municipality indicated that its suspension was decreed as a result of the judicial action dated July 27, 2020, raised in the framework of the criminal case followed before the Court of Guarantee.

Requirements have been configured established in the current regulations that produce the incapacity for work of the highest communal authority ”, indicates the statement.

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The municipal administrator, Claudia Meneses, will temporarily take over her position. until councilmen elect one of them as alternate mayor, who will remain in office until the judicial situation of Rojo is clarified.

The Public Ministry and the State Defense Council (CDE) requested a penalty of seven years and one day for the alleged commission of crimes after hiring an advisory service by the Municipal Corporation for Social Development. They point out that in reality it would have been aimed at improving the mayor’s position for her reelection.

Red is investigated of course fraud to the treasury and incompatible negotiation.

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