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Mayor Eric Adams sends message after New York subway shooting | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

of terrorism, althoughofficially not consideredacts of terrorism in a mannerprepare to go by itselfmaybe you are there.we have the words of amayor adams statementwho is foundrecovering from covid19 andcould not be in thisPress conference.we heard from mayor adams.[habla en ingés]>> New York friends,sincerely our team hasconstant statenew york and the department offirefighters, all agencies,there also as agencies of thestate and federal government.I have to tell you firstNew Yorkers as a resultof these day attacksToday, we have had a report of thevictim of a gunshot.you are the ones who makenew york the greatestworld.thanks for your support my friendsin horses.no type of deviceactivated explosive, but ifwe could see some bombs ofsmoke, smoke devices, thepolice is looking for thesuspect alive and we wantinvite anyonehave any kindinformation why please

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