Home » today » News » Mayor Eric Adams calls for a review of the bail law amid the wave of violence that hits New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Mayor Eric Adams calls for a review of the bail law amid the wave of violence that hits New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

homeless who was walkingon the train tracks. alocal alert, to have wingsinformation is transmitted byoh instantly.mayor adams urges reviewurgently the law to leavecall came after twoyouth were variedduring a shootout and that wasyesterday in brooklyn.isabel: indeed, without a doubtnot only to young people whothey were young victimsteenagers, but alsofact that has touched them herewhat is itaggravating wings to this issue ofthe violence that the mayorthat these youngwho were involved inthis incident downtowncommercial. some of them fromjust 19 years old they had chargescriminals.possession of weaponshad been arrested, subtracted.arrested.these what has led tothe mayor met on the dayfrom yesterdaywith the 5 prosecutors of thedistrict, different district ofthe cityof new york to treat thesubject.not only to deal with thearmed violence, but alsoto touch what can be donefor the safety ofNew Yorkers and to reduce thatthese keep happeningminors, who arebearing arms, ask for supportto the state of new york andalso to its federal partnersage you mentioned becausedefinitely says that theseyouth under the age of 18 arevictimizer two by the eldersthat hardly who were one ortwo years older but they arethose who put firearms inyour hands and they reach for youthese incident, tragedieshappen. the governor saidthat she supports eric adams andWhat do you think should be reformed?

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