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Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Sungurlare Municipality Accused of Corruption

news/2023/06/05/168597137890269.jpg?resize=900%2C675&ssl=1" width="900" height="675" layout="responsive" alt="Прокуратурата обвини в корупция кмета на Сунгурларе и заместника му">

Dr. Georgi Kenov and his deputy have been served summonses to appear as defendants

District Prosecutor’s Office – Burgas brought to criminal responsibility two officials – mayor and deputy mayor of Sungurlare Municipality. With the decrees of a prosecutor from the District Prosecutor’s Office – Burgas, they were brought in as defendants. The legal qualification of the crime for which the two persons are accused is a corruption crime under Art. 282, para. 2, paragraph para. 1, cf. Art. 20 of the Criminal Code – a crime committed by them with complicity.

Extraordinary! Police officers and prosecutors entered the building of the Sungurlare Municipality, seizing documents

It concerns a violation of official duties when concluding contracts on behalf of the municipality of Sungurlare, with the aim of obtaining a benefit for a specific person who is a party to the contracts. The damage caused to the municipality is also subject to investigation. We remind you that a search and seizure was carried out today in the building that houses the administration of the Sungurlare Municipality.

Procedurally, the investigative action was carried out by an investigator from the District Investigation Department at the District Prosecutor’s Office – Burgas, employees from the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – Burgas and TD BOP – Burgas. Documents related to the committed crime were found and seized. The two persons were served summonses to appear as defendants on 12.06.2023.

2023-06-05 13:29:02

#prosecutors #office #accused #mayor #Sungurlare #deputy #corruption

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