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Mayor Adams Vows to Crack Down on Quality of Life Crimes in Roosevelt Avenue, Queens

One of the big complaints that Mayor Eric Adamshas received from New Yorkers and progressive politicians since he took over the reins of the Big Apple, is that he has intensified the persecution of crimes against the quality of life, such as urinating in the streets, carrying alcoholic beverages in public, entering the subway without paying, throwing garbage on the roads and selling food without health control, among others.

And just as different organizations and elected officials continue to point fingers at his administration and the NYPD disproportionately penalize vulnerable communities and minorities for minor offenses, as shown in a recent report that showed that 53% of New Yorkers fined for minor infractions are Hispanic, the president spoke about what is experienced on the populous Roosevelt Avenue, in Queens, and said that he will continue pursuing to offenders.

This was emphasized this Tuesday by the Mayor, during a press conference at the Municipal Administration headquarters, in which he heard concerns expressed by residents of neighborhoods such as Jackson Heights, Elmhurst and Corona, about the increase in quality of life crimes in their neighborhoods. and prostitution.

Contrary to the call that some groups make to reduce the police presence and showing that he does not support the campaign that has been waged in Albany to legalize the exercise of sex work, Adams warned that the NYPD operations at Roosevelt, They will continue. Stopping sex trafficking is one of his priorities.

“We have a complete plan for Roosevelt Avenue, clean it up, continue to fight against the illegal sex trafficking that happens there. Some people ask for it to be legalized, but I say it should not be legalized because of sex trafficking and some other problems, but there are others elected officials who say they should legalize it, and that there is nothing wrong with those brothels. I’m going against that,” Adams said.

The head of the Big Apple insisted that the order given to the NYPD uniforms, which, as he stressed, is in line with the desire of the residents of the communities surrounding Roosevelt Avenue, is that the work to stop quality of life crimes and sexual sales does not cease. However, he attacked those leaders who insist on going in another direction.

“I call for those who commit illegal acts of quality of life to be prosecuted, but you need to know that there are people who want these things to continue happening. There are people defending it from happening. They say that the police should not be there or be present to pursue these illegal behaviors.“Adams commented, reiterating that his Administration is not going to listen to those who have these positions.

After being questioned about the specific work that the NYPD is carrying out in the vicinity of Roosevelt Avenue against the alleged increase in gang members, who are taking over parks and doing their thing in public areas, Mayor Adams assured that he had no information about that this was happening, but mentioned that they will investigate the complaints.

Roosevelt Avenue, Queens. Photo Edwin Martínez

I’m going to talk to the NYPD commander there, He is a great commander who stabilized the Plaza (Crown Plaza) that was out of control there. At 1:30 in the morning, there was food everywhere, pigeons on the food… we don’t want the gangs to take over our parks that belong to our children,” said the Democratic leader.

Adams insisted that as Mayor his obligation is to listen to New Yorkers in the communities and work to help resolve public safety problems that neighborhood residents express, and warned that attacking quality of life crimes is very important.

“I love when they have those community meetings where those things are revealed, because Many believe that I am the only one who believes that quality of life issues like that are important.“said the mayor. “When I go to meetings in the communities, and I hear people mentioning what they want done, that helps me say that I am speaking on behalf of New Yorkers.”

2024-04-02 22:31:25
#Mayor #Adams #assures #continue #cleaning #Roosevelt #emphasizes #support #legalization #sex #work #Diario

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