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Mayoo Indiran and Abubakar «Abu» Hussain:

– Sending a duo out to Norway to experience the country is nothing new, Mayoo Indiran (32) begins his reasoning.

Had the sale ended there, it probably would not have been worth reading on.

– But sending Abu and me, it will be completely unique, says Indiran and laughs.

FROM TOWN TO BUILDING: Abubakar «Abu» Hussain and Mayoo Indiran will be on holiday in Norway for the very first time – on TV. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet
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Best friends are both part of the gift Gullruten nominations Saturday nightAbubakar «Abu» Hussain (35) as part of TV 2’s «Norway’s new megahit» and the humor series «Kasko», and Indiran for «Kompani Lauritzen» on the same channel.

They have also recently appeared together in both TV 2’s “Sofa” and TV3’s “Prisoners at the fort”, and will now have their very own program, “Abu and Mayoos Norway”, on TV 2 Play this autumn.

SOFA-DUO: Abubakar “Abu” Hussain and Mayoo Indiran have let viewers take part in their TV evenings through three seasons of “Sofa” on TV 2. Photo: TV 2
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Out of the comfort zone

Here they will get out of their natural, urban habitat, and experience rural Norway – which for them is, so to speak, unknown territory.

Among other things, they will go on a cabin trip, visit a farm, join a robbery party, go in the mountains and go fishing.

– I have never understood why Norwegians go on a cabin trip or want to sleep in a tent. I have found it completely absurd! Why should you settle for a completely medium bed, or forest floor, when you can have it so comfortable and digg in Oslo ?, wonders actor and host Hussain.

STEEP LEARNING CURVE: Neither Hussain nor Indiran have ever vacationed in Norway, and thus get enough to work on in the new TV 2 series «Abu and Mayoos Norway».  Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet

STEEP LEARNING CURVE: Neither Hussain nor Indiran have ever vacationed in Norway, and thus get enough to work on in the new TV 2 series «Abu and Mayoos Norway». Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet
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Hussain was born in Pakistan, but grew up in Lørenskog. Indiran’s parents are from Sri Lanka, but he was born in Norway and raised in Oslo. Despite the fact that both have lived in Norway all their lives, neither of them has a relationship with Norwegian holidays.

– We traveled to either London or Paris, because Dad’s siblings lived there. When I was little I was always a little jealous that my friends went camping, but in adulthood I realized that I have been lucky, says Indiran and chuckles.

IN PARIS: Mayoo Indiran often vacationed in London and Paris as a child.  Here he is with his father, little brother, and mother in front of the Sacré-Cœur in Paris in 1994. Photo: Private

IN PARIS: Mayoo Indiran often vacationed in London and Paris as a child. Here he is with his father, little brother, and mother in front of the Sacré-Cœur in Paris in 1994. Photo: Private
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While Hussain’s friends went to the cabin, or to what he thought was the land of the “South,” he enjoyed the summers of his childhood in the family’s homeland.

– I never missed cabin trips as a child. I got to travel all over Pakistan and meet the extended family, and I loved that, he says enthusiastically.

Will pass on to the daughters

As they have grown older, they have both realized that there is something they have missed.

– I have realized that I have lived a little too comfortably, and that it has become harder and harder for me to get out of that comfort zone, Indiran explains.

Hussain also wants this experience to help him pass on more aspects of Norwegian culture to his two daughters aged five and eight.

WILL CONTINUE: Abubakar “Abu” Hussain wants to be able to pass on new traditions to his two daughters. Photo: @Abuhus / Instagram
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– I have two small children, and today things are different than when I grew up. There are more mixed environments, and people are more integrated now. I want them to be able to experience the same as their friends do, and then I have realized that it is I who must help them with that, he says.

Asked for help

It is easy to believe that the radar couple Abu and Mayoo have known each other since childhood, but the truth is completely different. The strong friendship was created by chance, in what was a lead-heavy time for both of them.

– Mayoo loves to tell a story that I “slid into his DM”, but it was probably not a very discreet message, Hussain begins.

The 35-year-old says that in reality it was a cry for help. In December 2015, Hussain was informed that the unhealthy lifestyle he had lived had given him heart failureand that he would die if he did not change his life radically.

Vital friendship

After expert medical help and rehabilitation, he also had to continue the new everyday life on his own. This is where Mayoo comes in.

Through his friend, host and music critic Sandeep Singh (36), Hussain was introduced to “Paradise Hotel” -Mayoo in 2016.

– Sandeep looked at Paradise, and talked a lot about the Sri Lankan who was with. When I started following Mayoo on Instagram, I noticed that he trained at Lørenskog. And then I asked him for help.

“PARADISE” MAYOO: Mayoo Indiran got its TV breakthrough in the reality series “Paradise Hotel” on TV3. Here with the participants Mikela Beckovic, Nina Martnes and Henriette Otervik during the recording in Mexico in 2016. Photo: Ida Nikolaisen / See and Hear
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The 35-year-old explains that Indiran stepped up to his door and pulled him up and out.

– At that time, my life was marked by depression and anxiety. I did not want to meet anyone, but Mayoo did not give up. He picked me up every single day. Not only to train, but also to hang out and get me in a better mood.

– Had it not been for Mayoo’s motivation and help, I most likely would not have been more, Hussain states.

Switched roles

That same year, the roles were to turn around. In December 2016, two days before Christmas Eve, Indiran was arrested by police. He was then charged with drug offenses and remanded in custody for one and a half months.

OPENLY: Mayoo Indiran was detained for seven weeks before being released in February 2017. In 2020, the case was dropped. He says that he could draw certain parallels between the prison stay and the reality participation in Kompani Lauritzen. Reporter: Celina Morken
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– It was very special, because I was there when it happened. We were so used to each other, and suddenly we were not allowed to talk to each other. I became a little selfish at first, and remember thinking: “How am I going to do now?”, But now it was me who had to be there for him, says Hussain.

The 35-year-old kept up to date on Indiran’s situation by talking to his family. When the comrade was finally released, a completely different person left the prison, according to Hussain.

He was chubby, yellow and sad, and needed help to get from there and on in life. Now it was I who had to help him. What could I do? Yes, I did the same thing he did for me, I showed up at his house and pulled him out, he says.

Although the accusation was dropped, Indiran experienced that the nascent TV career after the “Paradise” participation went up in smoke.

«KOMPANI LAURITZEN»: Mayoo Indiran (front left) won the hearts of TV viewers in TV 2's big bet «Kompani Lauritzen» this spring.  The season has been nominated for the Golden Route for best competitive reality.  Photo: Matti Bernitz / TV 2

«KOMPANI LAURITZEN»: Mayoo Indiran (front left) won the hearts of TV viewers in TV 2’s big bet «Kompani Lauritzen» this spring. The season has been nominated for the Golden Route for best competitive reality. Photo: Matti Bernitz / TV 2
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– I was scheduled to do a new TV assignment in 2017, but everything was wrecked due to the charge, Indiran explains.

Today the situation is completely different. After the case was finally dropped in 2020, Indiran received new offers in the TV industry, and in March this year it became known that he receives compensation from the state.

The 32-year-old has, among other things, made a name for himself as a company aspirant in TV 2s gold-nominated season by Kompani Lauritzen this spring. That he now gets his own TV show, he had not dared to dream about a few years ago.

KOMPANIASPIRANT: Mayoo Indiran came to the fourth dimming match in Kompani Lauritzen, before he then lost to former Newton profile Dennis Siva Lie.  Photo: Matti Bernitz / TV 2

KOMPANIASPIRANT: Mayoo Indiran came to the fourth dimming match in Kompani Lauritzen, before he then lost to former Newton profile Dennis Siva Lie. Photo: Matti Bernitz / TV 2
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– I did not have a hope of coming back again. I was absolutely sure I was done, says Indiran.

Now the comrades are looking forward to starting the recording, and asking people to send them tips on things they should experience.

– We are very happy for input, says Indiran.

“Abu and Mayoo’s Norway” will be in twelve episodes, where the duo through various experiences will have their prejudices confirmed or disproved – and find out if they can like everything that is defined as “typically Norwegian”. The series premieres on TV 2 Play in October.

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