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Mayapada Hospital Launches First Autoimmune Center in Indonesia

JawaPos.com – The Mayapada Hospital Network (RS) recently made a breakthrough by launching the first radiotherapy service for the Banten area and its surroundings at Mayapada Hospital, Tangerang. This new health facility will make it easier for cancer patients in the Tangerang area to reach recovery without the hassle and distance of looking for similar facilities at other hospitals in Jakarta.

Mayapada Hospital’s innovations and breakthroughs for the health sector don’t stop there. Most recently, Mayapada Hospital South Jakarta has formed the Mayapada Autoimmune Center Indonesia where this health facility will focus on treating various types of autoimmune diseases, both in children and adults.

For information, in Indonesia alone, the number of Autoimmune patients continues to grow, and has reached 5,000 people in 2019. More than 100 diseases are classified as Autoimmune diseases, so this disease is often called the “disease of a thousand faces”.

“Mayapada Autoimmune Center is the first Autoimmune center in Indonesia. In its journey of more than 10 years, Mayapada Hospital continues to strive to develop services in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, the number of which continues to increase in Indonesia,” explained Hospital Director Mayapada Hospital South Jakarta, dr. Fiktorius Kuludong MM.

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He explained, Autoimmune disease is a disorder of the body’s defense system which is tasked with fighting external attacks, so that it actually attacks normal healthy cells. “More than 100 diseases are classified as autoimmune diseases, so this disease is often called the ‘disease of a thousand faces’,” continued dr. Fictorious.

Mayapada Hospital works with various specialties and extraordinary partners such as Prof. DR. dr. Karnen G. Baratawidjaja, Sp.PD, K-AI, FINASIM, FAAAI, Prof.Dr.dr. Iris Rengganis, Sp.PD, K-Ai, and dr. Prasna Pramitha, Sp.PD, K-Ai.

For Autoimmune patients, Mayapada Hospital is also supported by complete laboratory facilities for Autoimmune examination panels. There are also the latest radiology facilities which make Mayapada Autoimmune Center Indonesia ready to provide comprehensive services.

As mentioned above, Autoimmune disease is a condition in which immune cells attack our own body cells, causing tissue damage, causing various kinds of symptoms in the affected organs.

In people with Autoimmunity, the immune system considers healthy body cells as foreign substances and damage to the immune system attacks these healthy cells. Autoimmune is a multiorgan disease that requires comprehensive treatment and cooperation from various specialties to provide the best treatment for you.

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“We realize that each patient has unique needs, therefore we offer a variety of consulting, diagnostic and treatment services that are tailored to the conditions of each individual,” continued the Mayapada Autoimun Center.

Mayapada Hospital’s laboratory facilitates a complete and accurate autoimmune panel examination. Mayapada Hospital is also committed to continuing to conduct research and keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of allergy and immunology to ensure we provide up-to-date care.

2023-06-01 01:23:00
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