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May rallies in Berlin end in riots | Currently Germany | DW

The German trade union federation had traditionally called for action in dozens of cities on Labor Day. In Frankfurt am Main, for example, more than 3000 participants attended the rally on Opernplatz. 500 people took part in a bicycle parade in Leipzig.

The “revolutionary May 1st demonstration” started in Berlin in the evening

In Berlin, too, there were thousands on the streets. Among other things, around 10,000 cycling critics of capitalism protested in the villa district of Grunewald. At the other end of the city – in Lichtenberg – around 200 opponents of the pandemic measures gathered. In addition, around 4,000 people demonstrated for the preservation of the club scene. The police had to repeatedly point out compliance with hygiene regulations.

May 1st - Demonstrations - Berlin |  Grunewald

Opponents of capitalism in the Berlin villa district Grunewald

In the evening the big “demonstration for the revolutionary May Day” started. In the crowd around Hermannplatz, demonstrators waved flags and banners could be seen. Fireworks were also set off. Roads were cordoned off and police vans were posted. Many of the protesters wore mouth and nose protection. The organizers called for compliance with the corona requirements. A total of 5600 police officers were on duty in the capital.

In Neukölln there were violent clashes between demonstrators and police officers. Officials were attacked with bottles and stones when trying to pull troublemakers out of the crowd. The police used pepper spray. Dumpsters and pallets were set on fire. Paramedics were on duty. Several demonstrators were arrested.

President with praise and criticism

Police chief Barbara Slowik condemned the violent attacks as “unacceptable”. On the May holiday, however, most of the demonstrators had proven that it was possible to demonstrate with masks and at a distance. It is estimated that around 30,000 people attended various meetings. There were 240 arrests, said Slowik.

May 1st - Demonstrations - Hamburg |  Red flora

In Hamburg, the police used water cannons against left-wing autonomists

In Hamburg, the police broke up a meeting in front of the Rote Flora with water cannons. Hundreds of people had gathered in front of the left-wing autonomous center, ignoring the minimum distance. After repeated requests to leave the square, the police took action. At noon, a demonstration with around 80 left-wing extremists between Schanzenpark and Schlump underground station was stopped.

Riots in Hamburg too

There were occasional fights when officials pushed the demonstrators from the anarchist scene off the street. A group of more than 40 mostly black-clad demonstrators were surrounded by the police a little later near the exhibition halls. They were taken into custody, said a police spokesman.

May 1st - Demonstrations - Erfurt

The right-wing extremist group “New Strength Erfurt” called for a demo on Domplatz in Erfurt

In Leipzig, the police reported firecrackers thrown at their emergency services. Accordingly, around 200 participants in a rally had moved in the direction of the Connewitz district. Mobile elevators are currently not allowed, however, said a police spokesman. Therefore, the police have gathered forces there. Pyrotechnics and objects were thrown at the police officers from a group of 20 to 30 people. Several suspects were then arrested.

According to the police, around 240 vehicles took part in a car parade in Erfurt, which the Thuringian AfD called for on Labor Day. According to the police, around 170 people took part in an NPD lift in Greifswald, and the party also protested in Essen. The right-wing extremist party III demonstrated in Plauen, Saxony. Away, but the organizers had to be content with 25 participants.

May 1, 2021 - Demonstrations - Nuremberg

In Nuremberg, bikers demonstrated against impending weekend driving bans

The biggest demo of the day on motorcycles took place in Bavaria. Around 7,500 motorcyclists demonstrated in Nuremberg against possible weekend driving bans. A year ago, the Federal Council recommended this to the federal government for special cases of conflict – i.e. in communities in which citizens suffer greatly from motorcycle noise.

uh / haz / ww (dpa, afp)

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