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May has been colder than normal. But soon there will be fine weather all over the country.

Next week’s weather winners will be Northern and Central Norway. But towards the end of the week, it will finally be sunny and warmer weather in Eastern Norway as well.

Pentecost weekend has been so cold and staggering in the capital that hardly the birds could bear a swim on Tjuvholmen on Sunday. Photo: Jan Tomas Espedal

– It is allowed to be disappointed with May this year, states on-duty meteorologist Terje Alsvik Walløe at the Meteorological Institute.

Those of us who have longed for a taste of summer have been waiting a long time now. Both April and May have been colder than normal in most places in Norway, according to meteorologists.

Southern and Eastern Norway has also had more precipitation than normal.

– In fact, we have not yet had a single day with 20 degrees on Blindern yet. It is not often, so late in the year.

Summery towards the weekend

But soon it will get better. During the week, the low pressure that has acidified the weather over southern and eastern Norway will disappear, and be replaced by nicer weather.

– Towards next weekend and the beginning of June, it looks like there will be a pleasant weather period all over Norway, says Walløe.

– Even though there is no heat wave in sight, it will probably be more summery than it has been so far.

– And in the meantime, we just have to bite our teeth together?

– Yes, there will probably be a few more rounds of rain showers over Eastern Norway in the next few days.

Good for the farmers

It was Central Norway and Northern Norway that ran away with the best Pentecost weather. They also get the best start to the week. In Molde, “as much” as 20 degrees was registered during the Whitsun weekend – while parts of Finnmark woke up to full winter.

Western Norway has also had changing Pentecostal weather with some precipitation, and must – like Eastern Norway – cover itself for the same for a few more days.

– The good news is that such a humid and cold May as the one we now put behind us, is at least good for the farmers, the meteorologist comforts.

– Then there is hope for the rest of us for a better start in June.

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