The CIG convenes its central march in A Doblada at 12:00, while CC.OO. and UGT do it at 11:30 a.m. in Va Norte
The CIG, on the one hand, and the UGT and CC.OO, on the other, call for them to take to the streets again next Monday, May 1, to demand “increased wages” and “lowering prices” in light of the current situation. current, with demonstrations throughout the Galician territory.
Both central marches will take place in the city of Vigo half an hour apart and with different starting points. In this way, the UGT and CC.OO will leave at 11:30 am from Via Norte, while the CIG will leave at 12:00 pm from A Doblada.
The nationalist union will also carry out different mobilizations in a total of 15 cities and towns in the Community. Most will start at 12 noon, except in Ourense, Verón, Pontevedra and Vilagarca de Arousa, which are scheduled to start at 11:30 a.m., and in Cangas, which will start at 6:00 p.m.
For their part, the UGT and CC.OO, as in previous years, will take to the streets together this Sunday. Thus, they will carry out demonstrations in the seven Galician cities and in Vilagarca de Arousa.
The CIG has once again called for Galicians to take to the streets next Monday in the face of “a generalized spiral of rising prices and inflation”, which “is causing a deterioration in living conditions”.
Along these lines, he has stated that “capital is taking advantage of inflation and the cost of living” and “obtaining millions in profits on account of speculating on prices.” Thus, he has affirmed that the economic policies of the Galician Government “are accelerating the increase and inequalities and poverty”.
“This is a time to fight to conquer alternative policies, demanding public intervention in the economy and in strategic sectors, such as energy, and also in the markets, to put an end to speculation in basic goods,” the union highlighted.
For their part, the UGT and CC.OO call for mobilization on May 1 to claim that it is “essential” that wages “continue to rise,” since inflation “even if it moderates is going to remain high.”
Thus, they have highlighted the “determining role of organizations in recent years” with “all the victories won through social dialogue” and “measures with a clear gender perspective.”
In addition, the unions have pointed out the need for a “sharing of benefits”, given the rise in the shopping basket and poverty data that they have classified as “unassumable”.
They have also appealed to the importance of “advancing towards a dismissal cost that is sufficiently dissuasive, fair and appropriate to the social, vital and reemployability circumstances”.
In detail, the CIG has called the mobilization in Pontevedra at 11:30 a.m., the same time as in Vilagarca de Arousa. Thus, in A Estrada –Praza do Mercado– and Ribeira –Praza do Mercado– it will take place at 12:00 p.m. and at 6:00 p.m. in Cangas –City Hall–.
In this way, the citizen is called at 12.00 hours in A Corua –Plaza de Vigo–, Cee –Ayuntamiento–, Ferrol –Local de la CIG–, As Pontes –Praza do Hospital- -, Santiago –Praza Roja– and Ribeira –Praza do Mercado–.
In Lugo it will take place at 12:00 noon in the Trade Union Building, while in Burela it will be at the same time in the CIG premises. Thus, in Ourense the mobilization will be in Praza Maior at 11:30 and in Vern –in front of the Town Hall– at 12:00.
For their part, the demonstrations of the UGT and CC.OO between 11:30 and 12:30. In Santiago it will leave from Alameda to Praza Prateras at 12:00, while in Ourense it will go from the Remedios pavilion to the Government Subdelegation and in Ferrol it will be in Plaza Infernio.
As, in A Corua also exit at 12.00 hours from Praza da Palloza to Praza de Ourense y en Lugo del edificio de los unions — en la Ronda da Muralla– hasta la Subdelegacin del Gobierno. In Pontevedra, the starting point will be Praça da Ferreira at 11.30 am and in Vilagarca de Arousa, Praça da Ravella at 12.30 pm.
#Unions #call #mobilize #demand #drop #prices #central #acts #Vigo