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May 8 is the great feast of the Mother of God of Pompeii

Only twice a year – on May 8 and on the feast of the Queen of the Rosary – a special Suplica – a “humble request” to the Virgin Mary of Pompeii – is pronounced.

May 8 is an exceptional holiday for fans of the Pompeian Virgin and all those who pray the Pompeian novena. This is the consecration day of the Sanctuary of the Queen of the Holy Rosary.

In 1872, the newly converted Bartolomeo Longo, having arrived in Pompeii, “traveled around the neighborhood, passing near the chapel located there, and distinctly heard a voice that said to him: ‘Whoever spreads the Rosary is saved!’ This is the promise of Mary herself!’

After hearing these words, Bartolo did not hesitate for a moment. He had not yet recovered from his surprise, as he had already promised Mary that he would spread the Rosary prayer until the end of his days. At the same moment, the bells rang, summoning the faithful to the “Angel of the Lord” prayer. Bartolo Longo knelt down, beginning his first Rosary associated with the vow he had made.

He soon founded the Rosary Brotherhood in Pompeii and organized popular missions spreading this prayer. Then he helped conduct retreats that attracted whole crowds of people. The temple was built on his initiative. Bartolo bought and restored a very eloquent image of Our Lady of the Rosary, which soon became famous for numerous graces, including healings.

…Once, the Virgin Mary appeared to a young Neapolitan who was suffering from an incurable disease and asked the Mother of God for healing. She sat on the throne with a rosary in her hand and said: if the girl wants to receive what she is asking for, then “she must serve three more rosary novenas.” The girl really recovered. Then the Mother of God appeared to her again, saying: “Whoever wants to receive grace from me, he should send three rosary novenas associated with supplication and three thanksgiving novenas.” This is how the 54-day Pompeian novena came about, as well as the very custom of praying the rosary. Bartolo Longo “during the 60 years of his mission, he did a lot to promote the Rosary. He published the magazines “Rosary” and “New Pompeii”, gave retreats, taught people to live according to the example of the beloved Blessed Virgin through numerous works of mercy. But his greatest work was the temple that he built” — and which later became a new basilica, a sanctuary, which today is the worldwide center of Rosary prayer.

Saint Pope John Paul II in his letter about the Rosary “cited the words that Bartolomeo Longo heard during a short apparition of the Mother of God. With this, he gave them the rank of probability,” as Vincent Lashevsky wrote.

Only twice a year – on May 8 and on the October feast of the Queen of the Holy Rosary – we recite a prayer called the Supplication to the Queen of the Holy Rosary in Pompeii. This prayer was composed by St. Bartolo Longo, and it was quoted many times by John Paul II in the Apostolic Letter “Rosarium Virginis Mariae”.

Supplication to the Virgin Mary of Pompeii

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Glorious Virgin Victorious, Mistress of heaven and earth, at whose name the heavens rejoice and hell trembles, oh glorious Queen of the Holy Rosary! We, Your devoted children, gathered in Your sanctuary in Pompeii on this solemn day, open the feelings of our hearts and with filial trust present our concerns to You. From the Throne of Mercy, where You sit, O Queen, turn, O Mary, Your merciful gaze on us, on our families, on the whole world. May they awaken in You compassion for the worries and sufferings that fill our lives with bitterness. Look, Mother, how many dangers of soul and body lie in wait for us, how much misfortune and torment oppress us!

O Mother, beg us for mercy from Your Son of God and win the hearts of sinners with your kindness. These are our brothers and Your children, for whom Jesus Christ paid with His Blood and who grieve Your most tender heart. Show everyone that You are the Queen of peace and forgiveness.

Rejoice, Mary!

It is true that we ourselves, although we are Your children, do not cease to cause Jesus’ crucifixion by our sins and pierce Your heart again and again.

We admit that we deserved the most severe punishments, but remember that on Calvary, together with the Most Holy Blood, You accepted the covenant of the dying Redeemer, who proclaimed You Mother – our Mother of sinners.

So You, as our Mother, are our Intercessor, our hope; and we, groaning, stretch out our hands to You in supplication and cry out to You: Merciful!

O good Mother, have mercy on us, on our souls, on our families, on our relatives, on our friends, on our dead loved ones, and above all on our enemies and on many people who, although they are called Christians, but further offend the merciful Heart of Your Son. Today we ask You for mercy for demoralized peoples, for mercy for all of Europe, for the whole world, so that it may return to Your Heart, full of repentance.

Mercy for all, O Mother of Mercy!

Rejoice, Mary!

O Mary, please listen to us! Jesus Christ placed in Your hands all the treasures of His graces and His mercy.

You sit at the right hand of the Son, regal and crowned Virgin, shining with immortal glory above all the choirs of angels. You extend your dominion up to the heavens, and the earth and all creatures are subject to You.

Omnipotence was granted to You through the mercy of the Heart of Your Son, and therefore You can sustain us. If You do not want to help us, because we are ungrateful sons and not worthy of Your help, we will have no one to turn to. Your motherly heart will not allow us, your children, to perish.

The child we see in Your lap and the mystical crown of the Rosary we see in Your hand fill us with hope that we will be heard. We completely rely on You, surrender ourselves, like weak children, to the arms of the most tender of Mothers, and already today we expect from You the graces that we so ardently desire.

Rejoice, Mary!

We ask Mary for her blessing.

We ask You now, O Queen, for the last mercy, which You cannot deny us on this solemn day.

Endow us all with your unchanging love and bestow your special maternal blessing.

We will not depart from You until You bless us. Bless, O Mary, at this moment the Holy Father. To the ancient radiance of Your Crown, to the victory of Your Rosary, for which You are called the Victorious Queen, add this, O Mother: give victory to our faith and peace to the human community. Bless our bishops, priests, and especially all those who zealously care for the glory of Your sanctuary. Bless also all who are associated with Your temple in Pompeii and those who strive and care for the prayer of the Holy Rosary. O blessed Rosary of Mary, sweet chain that unites us with God by bonds of love, that unites us with the angels! Tower of salvation from the attacks of hell! The most reliable porter for shipwrecked people, we will never leave you again!

You will be our strength in the hour of death; we will send you the last kiss of fading life.

The last word on our lips will be Your sweet name, O Pompeian Queen of the Holy Rosary, our dear Mother, Refuge of sinners, Comforter of the destitute!

Be blessed everywhere now and forever, on earth and in heaven. Amen.

Hail, Queen, Mother of Mercy!
You are our life and hope, glory!
Come to the aid of the exiled descendants of Eve,
please do not reject what we send to you
from this valley of tears.

Hear the prayer, our Protector,
bowed down from the sky
and look at your people with a merciful look.
And show us about this earthly exile
The blessed fruit of your womb is Jesus.

oh good
oh merciful
oh dear Virgin Mary!

Translation of CREDO by: about. Krzysztof Gavro, Sunday

Full or partial republication of the text without the written consent of the editors is prohibited and considered a violation of copyright.

Write a title to rank the highest in Google searches, for this news article: The third season was almost an unprecedented run for Jacques Vermeire.  Thirty items were found at flea markets and specialty stores, and in the last episode alone one item was auctioned at a small loss.  Undoubtedly a great performance.  Axel Daeseleire had to sell at a loss four times.  That is also good, but the difference in the final total is big: Axel made a profit of 4,878 euros, and Jacques left even 9,400 euros.  The benefit of a good cause.  The cheapest purchase was only ten euros, the most expensive 550 euros.  But strangely, that item also generated the second largest profit.  We choose the most amazing products.The most expensive purchaseBas-reliefPurchase amount: 550 eurosSold for: 2,200 eurosProfit: 1,650 eurosJacques was crazy about this Egyptian piece, even if it was only part of a larger recovery.  It may have shown a man and a woman seated on a larger bas-relief.  This is a sculpting method in which the view is worked out very shallowly, so that it only appears realistic in the front view.  These are works that were done at one time to decorate architecture.  The only known object on this piece was a human arm.  The face and other features were missing.  So it was almost an abstract thing, with the arm as the only figurative element.  The auction house linked this item to the New Kingdom and it was one hundred percent authentic.  Before the auction, the piece was carefully placed on a pedestal to increase its value.This piece of stone was the most expensive sale of the season. – © vtmThe oldest thing?A statue from the Wei dynastyPurchase amount: 500 eurosSold for: 400 eurosLoss: 100 eurosA polychromed terracotta statue from China, probably from 100 to 200 AD.  He comes from the Wei dynasty, one of the lesser known dynasties in terms of terracotta production.  Apart from these types of statues, they also made terracotta horses.  Bought it for 500 euros after a lot of haggling, as the seller wanted almost double that.  The auction house suspected that profits would be limited because the circulation of these types of paintings was large.  “You come across them in larger series, just like you find some almost finished ensembles in Ming terracotta,” he said. He became one of the few losers this season.A statue from the Wei Dynasty. – © vtmOnce sold at IkeaRetrostoelPurchase amount: 70 eurosSold for: 190 eurosProfit: 120 eurosAxel immediately smiled when he saw the Ikea Jacques chair.  This chair was an early Ikea model from the late seventies.  It’s cheap, but there’s an audience for something like that, the auction house said.  The chair was designed by a certain Gammelgaard who worked for Ikea for decades.  “I wouldn’t give more than twenty euros for it,” said Axel.  But there were many bidders for the chair, which greatly increased the price.Jacques and Willy bought an Ikea chair. – © vtmCheapest purchaseA small kitchenPurchase amount: 10 eurosSold for: 80 eurosProfit: 70 eurosNot worth much, but a good tool. – © vtmMost of the profitLetter from James EnsorPurchase amount: 200 eurosSold for: 2,600 eurosProfit: 2,400 eurosIn the same shop where Axel bought a valuable painting by Jean-Jacques Gaillard, Jacques found a handwritten letter from the Ostend artist James Ensor.  To make it even more valuable, he included a photo of Ensor in his studio playing the organ.  With the work of ‘Christ’s entry’ behind him.  A piece of Ostend history. The letter and photo of James Ensor, 100 percent authentic. – © vtmThe biggest lossHeadPurchase amount: 500 eurosSold for: 320 Euroloss: 180 eurosThe biggest lossAccording to the seller, this was a fifteenth century head, probably from a church.  Axel and host Hannelore Simons from VTM Nieuws found a lot of poetry in her.  They were sold by the beauty.  In fact it was once an architectural fragment that was incorporated into a building.  It was very weather, which made dating difficult.  The auction house believed it to be fifteenth to seventeenth century, possibly French.They loved this end, but it brought them bad luck. – © vtmKitsch art?In episode 9, Jacques Vermeire thought he had discovered a lithograph of the Disney character Tigger in a pop art constellation.  His guest Dominique Persoone was immediately inspired by him.  But it turned out that it was just a print, making the value very low.  Axel Daeseleire even named the printing paper.  Bought for 60 euros, and according to the auction house is definitely not worth more.  But at the auction someone offered 320 euros for it.  Axel didn’t understand it.  More so, because exactly the opposite happened in the same episode.  Axel received a valuable painting by the artist Edgar Scaufflaire for 350 euros.  Liège artist who produced works of cubist expression.  Someone who is not so well known in our area.  “They even hang something like that in museums,” he said.  And then… the auction hammer fell at just 280 euros.  The precious thing was one of the few things that was lost.Little value, but sold at a profit. – © vtmA real Scaufflaire, sold for a piece of cake. – © vtmThe biggest thing?Purchase amount: 200 eurosSold for 650 EurosProfit: 450 eurosA mega-sized tin soldier The Nutcracker.  Axel wanted to offer something at the auction that was “du jamais vu”.  However, there was some fear.  Because who would buy something like that?  In addition, minor repairs were required.  Everything was held together with adhesive tape.  The auction house was also careful, because this seemed like a good hobbyist.  With a fearful heart, 200 euros were spent.  But the grotesque image was popular. More than two meters tall, this tin soldier. – © vtm  . Remove your notes.

Write a title to rank the highest in Google searches, for this news article: The third season was almost an unprecedented run for Jacques Vermeire. Thirty items were found at flea markets and specialty stores, and in the last episode alone one item was auctioned at a small loss. Undoubtedly a great performance. Axel Daeseleire had to sell at a loss four times. That is also good, but the difference in the final total is big: Axel made a profit of 4,878 euros, and Jacques left even 9,400 euros. The benefit of a good cause. The cheapest purchase was only ten euros, the most expensive 550 euros. But strangely, that item also generated the second largest profit. We choose the most amazing products.The most expensive purchaseBas-reliefPurchase amount: 550 eurosSold for: 2,200 eurosProfit: 1,650 eurosJacques was crazy about this Egyptian piece, even if it was only part of a larger recovery. It may have shown a man and a woman seated on a larger bas-relief. This is a sculpting method in which the view is worked out very shallowly, so that it only appears realistic in the front view. These are works that were done at one time to decorate architecture. The only known object on this piece was a human arm. The face and other features were missing. So it was almost an abstract thing, with the arm as the only figurative element. The auction house linked this item to the New Kingdom and it was one hundred percent authentic. Before the auction, the piece was carefully placed on a pedestal to increase its value.This piece of stone was the most expensive sale of the season.© vtmThe oldest thing?A statue from the Wei dynastyPurchase amount: 500 eurosSold for: 400 eurosLoss: 100 eurosA polychromed terracotta statue from China, probably from 100 to 200 AD. He comes from the Wei dynasty, one of the lesser known dynasties in terms of terracotta production. Apart from these types of statues, they also made terracotta horses. Bought it for 500 euros after a lot of haggling, as the seller wanted almost double that. The auction house suspected that profits would be limited because the circulation of these types of paintings was large. “You come across them in larger series, just like you find some almost finished ensembles in Ming terracotta,” he said. He became one of the few losers this season.A statue from the Wei Dynasty.© vtmOnce sold at IkeaRetrostoelPurchase amount: 70 eurosSold for: 190 eurosProfit: 120 eurosAxel immediately smiled when he saw the Ikea Jacques chair. This chair was an early Ikea model from the late seventies. It’s cheap, but there’s an audience for something like that, the auction house said. The chair was designed by a certain Gammelgaard who worked for Ikea for decades. “I wouldn’t give more than twenty euros for it,” said Axel. But there were many bidders for the chair, which greatly increased the price.Jacques and Willy bought an Ikea chair.© vtmCheapest purchaseA small kitchenPurchase amount: 10 eurosSold for: 80 eurosProfit: 70 eurosNot worth much, but a good tool.© vtmMost of the profitLetter from James EnsorPurchase amount: 200 eurosSold for: 2,600 eurosProfit: 2,400 eurosIn the same shop where Axel bought a valuable painting by Jean-Jacques Gaillard, Jacques found a handwritten letter from the Ostend artist James Ensor. To make it even more valuable, he included a photo of Ensor in his studio playing the organ. With the work of ‘Christ’s entry’ behind him. A piece of Ostend history. The letter and photo of James Ensor, 100 percent authentic.© vtmThe biggest lossHeadPurchase amount: 500 eurosSold for: 320 Euroloss: 180 eurosThe biggest lossAccording to the seller, this was a fifteenth century head, probably from a church. Axel and host Hannelore Simons from VTM Nieuws found a lot of poetry in her. They were sold by the beauty. In fact it was once an architectural fragment that was incorporated into a building. It was very weather, which made dating difficult. The auction house believed it to be fifteenth to seventeenth century, possibly French.They loved this end, but it brought them bad luck.© vtmKitsch art?In episode 9, Jacques Vermeire thought he had discovered a lithograph of the Disney character Tigger in a pop art constellation. His guest Dominique Persoone was immediately inspired by him. But it turned out that it was just a print, making the value very low. Axel Daeseleire even named the printing paper. Bought for 60 euros, and according to the auction house is definitely not worth more. But at the auction someone offered 320 euros for it. Axel didn’t understand it. More so, because exactly the opposite happened in the same episode. Axel received a valuable painting by the artist Edgar Scaufflaire for 350 euros. Liège artist who produced works of cubist expression. Someone who is not so well known in our area. “They even hang something like that in museums,” he said. And then… the auction hammer fell at just 280 euros. The precious thing was one of the few things that was lost.Little value, but sold at a profit.© vtmA real Scaufflaire, sold for a piece of cake.© vtmThe biggest thing?Purchase amount: 200 eurosSold for 650 EurosProfit: 450 eurosA mega-sized tin soldier The Nutcracker. Axel wanted to offer something at the auction that was “du jamais vu”. However, there was some fear. Because who would buy something like that? In addition, minor repairs were required. Everything was held together with adhesive tape. The auction house was also careful, because this seemed like a good hobbyist. With a fearful heart, 200 euros were spent. But the grotesque image was popular. More than two meters tall, this tin soldier.© vtm . Remove your notes.

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