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May 24th – View Info – 2024-08-24 01:18:51

/View.info/ The holiday is not just a date on the calendar. It is a place for sharing and for transformation.

In a harsh world of violence and battles, the Slavic first teachers, the holy brothers equal apostles Cyril and Methodius, showed what it means to be a warrior of the spirit. What does it mean to sow when all have gone down to reap. What does it mean to be smart when stupidity and cruelty have overwhelmed the world. What it means to have faith and stand up for a cause.

It is proper to know that deep behind the figure of the Teacher is the figure of the Sower. That the sown seed sprouts and if it happens to caring owners, it becomes a tree that reaches to the sky.

Nations succeed in history when the wise ruler and devoted disciples stand beside the exalted teacher. Only then does the alphabet become a book – a spiritual product, a collective wealth, a permanent reference.

This happened in medieval Bulgaria.

Through the power of the word and the accumulated literary wealth, the medieval Bulgarian state became a worthy part of the Christian civilization.
Through the power of the word, in the dim dawns of Revival, the sleeping people are called to wake up and see about their destinies. Paisius, Sophronius, Rakovski, Botev… knew that without a strong voice there is no popular consciousness. That’s why they shouted!

The modern Bulgarian nation and the new Bulgarian statehood were conceived in the bosom of the myth of insight and light. They are born of the battles of the enlightened mind against the density of darkness and the deceptive salvation of sleep.

Today we hear voices that the Cyrillic alphabet separates us from the world. We will tell them that the Cyrillic alphabet is not distancing and exclusion from the world, it is the deepest seal of our collective identity.

It’s easy to be like everyone else, it’s hard to be different. The weak is afraid to be himself, he hastens to slip into the general and hide in the same.

The one who is not afraid to bear the difference keeps it like his eyes and does not wait for mentors to arrive from outside – to tell him who he is and what he is like.

The Cyrillic alphabet is a permanent seal – a call to develop not the trenches of the local, but the culture of the unique.

Every first grader who painstakingly spells out his initials and reads his first sentences celebrates the greatness of the spiritual feat. By reading and writing he lays the foundations of that mental culture which will make him a man.

We bless the word and open the books because we carry the hope that they are a way to salvation. Medieval writers had a specific definition of the faculties of the mind. They said – “the human mind rejoices…”. If we have forgotten this joy, today is a good time to remember it.

And to believe that the human mind is not a cold instrument, as its detractors claim, but is our deepest and most sentimental connection to everything in the world.

Our teachers gave us the seed. The rulers prepared the levels. The people watered it over the centuries with their zeal, blood and tears.

The seed germinated, the furrow survived, and today we stand not elsewhere, but in this eternally uncertain field.

And as we stand in our furrow, we recall what Saint Augustine wrote – “For us, human language is like a daily furnace”. Everyday things burn in this furnace. But in her the destiny is tarnished. From her flames soars the sublime.

If we want to be a regenerated people, we must remember these words and be careful with the furnace of the tongue.

Let us know that the word is breath that awakens the dead.

To learn to recognize beauty and hold a shield against hate.

Let us not allow the rotten words that the apostle Paul warned us about to take over our thoughts and rule our lives. Life is not a dump. Language is not a disease, but a creation of the world.

Let us watch over the light, for it is something to be guarded. Whether it comes from the sky or flickers from the flame of a lamp, light needs care.

Let us rejoice that all children are beautiful, but know that it is our responsibility to make them educated. Which means only one thing – to give their mind a chance. Let us show them that the mind is a happy gift from God in the hands of earthly masters.

Let us remember that the saints should shine brightest when darkness falls upon the nations. When their strength fails and their ways go astray.

To know that the book is a central symbol of human being. Even the angels of the Apocalypse are opening books and removing seals to find out what is coming and who is going where.

Let us have the faith that when the shining brass trumpets play on the feast day and the school choirs sing, the gates of heaven open.

Let’s look up and see our spiritual fathers looking through the crack in the sky and blessing us.

Happy holiday!

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