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May 2023 Astrological Forecast: Characteristics, Periods and Recommendations.

Astrological forecast for May 2023 – characteristics of the month, favorable periods and recommendations from professional astrologer Anna Stella.

Jupiter – the planet of higher happiness – from May 16, 2023 will visit the sign of Taurus, thereby opening up new horizons and great opportunities for many.

The first half of the month is emotionally and psychologically quite tense. The period of the eclipse corridor continues, which will end on May 5 with a Lunar eclipse on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. At the same time, until May 15, Mercury will still be in its retrophase.

Let’s remember which processes are unfavorable to launch during Mercury retrograde:

  • change jobs / apply for a new job;
  • conclude contracts (there may be delays, delays, errors, everything will have to be redone);
  • launch a new business or long-term projects;
  • make large financial investments and purchases;
  • move to a new house/city/country;
  • get married;
  • buy a new car, electronics or household appliances (find hidden defects after purchase).

As a rule, business started during the retro Mercury period quickly becomes unprofitable or irrelevant in the future. Arrangements are changing, pitfalls that you did not notice emerge.

Therefore, postpone the launch of everything new for a more favorable period, which will begin on May 22. And devote the first two decades of May to rethinking and working on mistakes.

Until May 21, it is favorable to give second chances to old questions and to what did not work out the first time, to review the hung cases that I would like to successfully complete.

From May 16, 2023, the planet of higher happiness Jupiter will visit the sign of Taurus, in which it will stay until May 26, 2024, thereby contributing to great success for the signs of the zodiac Taurus, Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn and Virgo, as well as for those with 5 at 15 degrees of the indicated signs there are personal planets and cusps of houses. The sphere of manifestation of great opportunities depends on which particular natal points Jupiter will affect in your personal chart. The main thing is not to miss them.

From May 22, the growing Moon and the most powerful stellium of planets – Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun, Uranus and the Ascending Node in the sign of Taurus – will favor:

  • actively pursuing our personal and business goals;
  • launching long-term business projects and investments designed for the future and successful development.

The energies of a powerful stellium in Taurus will help many to get out of difficulties on the way to the goal and direct their efforts towards ensuring material well-being.

In order not to lay destructive trends, it is better to plan important initiatives, investments, purchases, meetings, negotiations, employment or opening a business on favorable days:

  • May 22;
  • May 23;
  • May 25;
  • May 29, after 17.50 (Moscow time);
  • May 30;
  • May 31, until 17.50 (Moscow time).

Energy-unfavorable days that are categorically not suitable for the implementation of important matters, launching business processes, employment, investments, marriage, buying real estate and planned surgical or cosmetic surgeries:

  • From 1 to 20 May;
  • May 24;
  • May 26;
  • May 29, until 17.50 (Moscow time).


The first half of the month is a very stressful period for health. The risk of injury and poisoning will increase. The vascular and nervous systems, as well as the liver and spine are vulnerable. In connection with the retrophase of Mercury, diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems can be delayed.

The second half of the month is calmer, health risks are noticeably reduced.

I wish you all well-being and achievement of the highest goals.

With love, your Astrolog_Anna_Stella.

Photo source: pixabay.com/dnovac

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