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“May 1st Demonstrations Against Retirement Age Increase and Social Injustice: Join the Massive Mobilization in Beaune, Dijon, and Montbard”

Demonstrations are planned in Beaune, Dijon and Montbard.

For more than 3 months, the mobilization of millions of strikers and demonstrators has put the government and President Macron in the minority. The vast majority of the population supports the action of the intersyndicale against raising the retirement age for all.

By persisting, the President of the Republic and his government do not take the measure of the expectations of workers and do not respond to industrial issues and the development of public services. Worse, they are responsible for the social and environmental crisis which they continue to aggravate.

By massively participating in the May 1st demonstrations, employees, young people, retirees, jobless, family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, we will show our refusal of the forced passage of this reform which imposes an unprecedented social decline on us. We will express our anger by saying that “for us, 64 is still no! “. With this fight, we will give hope to gain on pensions, but also to increase our wages and our pensions.


May 1st is a day of international solidarity for peace between peoples. In Paris, union leaders from all over the world will be present to show their solidarity with our mobilization.

On May 1st we will also demonstrate to say our rejection of far-right ideas, racism and to resist those who distill the poison of division.
Our strength is our numbers: let’s participate in large numbers in this exceptional May 1st to maintain the pressure on the government and the employers so that the law is not applied!
To win in the weeks and months to come, we invite all employees and unemployed, whatever their profession, young or retired, to unionize to no longer be isolated, to organize themselves collectively in their company, their service and their territory.

A unitary and popular May 1st for the withdrawal!

Beaune : 10 a.m. rue des blanches fleurs (Noz store)

Dijon : 10h place Wilson

Montbard : 10 a.m. Place Gambetta

The remarks made by the President of the Republic on April 17 show that he still has not understood the anger expressed in the country, and that he persists. It must respect social democracy and the very majority rejection of this reform by the population.
By being stubborn, the executive does not realize the responsibility it bears by locking itself in denial and it is solely responsible for an explosive situation throughout the country.
For 3 months, the rejection of the pension reform is still massive. After having promulgated the law the day after the decision of the Constitutional Council, the President of the Republic confirmed in his speech, his contempt both towards the trade unions and towards the young people and the whole of the population.
During 12 days of powerful demonstrations, strikes, actions and local initiatives, in companies, in public services and in places of study, the intersyndicale mobilized millions of workers, young people and retirees.
The inter-union calls for making May 1 a day of massive, unitary and popular mobilization against the pension reform, with determination. It invites all workers, young people, retirees and the entire population to go there en masse, with work colleagues, friends, family to obtain the repeal of this unjustified, brutal and unjust reform. The executive was able to use all sorts of methods to prevent parliamentary debate, until 49.3.
The executive has the power to suspend the application of the law as the CPE precedent showed in 2006.
He has the power to repeal the law reforming pensions: he must do it!


#CGT #calls #mobilization

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