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May 11 is “another date to conquer”, warns Christophe Castaner

Christophe Castaner, Minister of the Interior, at the National Assembly, April 7, 2020. (photo of illustration) – AFP

Nothing is won. The horizon of May 11 to begin a progressive deconfinement is a date to “conquer by respecting containment The Interior Minister said on France Inter on Tuesday. “May 11 is a target date. What has
announced the President of the Republic yesterday, it is not the deconfinement on May 11, it is the confinement until May 11 “, underlined Christophe Castaner, reminding the French of the” discipline “which must prevail to fight against

“It is necessary not to project ourselves by saying” May 12 is May and we do what we want. ” Well no, we will have to keep fighting, “added the minister.

Asked several times about the prospects for deconfinement in this or that area, for example departures on summer holidays abroad, Christophe Castaner stressed that there was “no precise answer at the time” when he was aimed at journalists and listeners. “I would advise my family not to rush into reservations, especially in foreign countries,” he only commented, before adding elliptical: “I think there will be a summer vacation.” . “

Nearly 12 million certificate checks

On the checks and reports aimed at enforcing containment measures, the Minister of the Interior released a new report. Since their implementation in mid-March, 11.8 million checks have been carried out by the police and 704,000 infringements have been reported, throughout France.

Challenged by an auditor, Christophe Castaner also minimized the possible abuses generated by these checks: “The reports are extremely weak. “

“I have, for Covid-19, 166 reports since the start of containment. It is not much, “said the minister, recalling that a platform of the Interior Ministry could record reports of citizens believing they had been victims of abuse during a control.

14 million masks promised to the police

About the protections provided to the police who have been the subject heated controversies with police unions, Christophe Castaner said that 3.6 million masks had already been distributed to police and gendarmes. “14 million will be distributed by April 26, and by the time I’m talking to you, nearly 40 million masks have been ordered. But it is not a question of wearing masks all the time, and especially not surgical masks or FFP2, of which I remind that we must mobilize them for the health personnel “, he underlined.

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