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Maximizing Your Assets with the New NISA: Accumulation vs Growth Allowance

How can I use the new NISA to build assets? Mr. Chi, an early retirement manager who graduated from a company job in his 30s and makes a living through investments and personal business, says, “The key to the new NISA is how efficiently you can use the tax-free allowance.The tax-free allowance is on the books. “Since the calculation is based on the stock price (the stock price at the time of purchase), it is best to choose a non-dividend investment trust that allows you to accumulate unrealized gains without locking in profits midway through.”

*This article was written by Arasa de Retirement Administrator Chi.I decided to make money work for me so that I could live freely.” (Kanki Publishing) has been re-edited (new NISA information as of November 2023).

Photo = iStock.com/hyejin kang

※The photograph is an image

New NISA “accumulation allowance” and “growth allowance”

In this article, I would like to explain how to invest to make 30 million yen using the new NISA. When investing, there is an “asset formation period” in which you increase your capital, and an “asset utilization period” in which you use that capital. At first, you need to increase your capital, so you need to choose an investment method that suits your needs, but the new NISA is also perfect for the asset formation period.

Let’s start with an overview of the new NISA. As shown in the following figure (Chart 1), there are two types of allowances: the accumulation limit and the growth limit.The growth limit has a maximum limit of 12 million yen, and a total of up to 18 million yen is tax-free. Therefore, it is not possible to fill in the 18 million yen with the growth quota alone, but it is possible to fill the 18 million yen with the accumulation quota alone.

This means that the possible combinations are

・If you want to make the most of the growth allowance… 6 million yen for freshly accumulated allowance + 12 million yen for growth allowance
・If you want to use it 50/50… 9 million yen for accumulation allowance + 9 million yen for growth allowance
・If you want to make the most of the accumulated allowance… 18 million yen for accumulated allowance + 00,000 yen for growth allowance

That’s what it looks like.

2024-04-07 08:52:35
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