JurnalPost.com – Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition is a daily food arrangement that contains nutrients in the type and amount adjusted to the body’s needs. The principle of the Balanced Nutrition Guidelines is that everyone’s nutritional needs are different because they are adjusted to gender, age group, physical activity, and physiological conditions. The government has regulated in Permenkes RI No. 41 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition which contains 10 guidelines for balanced nutrition. There are 4 pillars of balanced nutrition that are used as an effort to balance incoming nutrients with outgoing nutrients. The pillars of balanced nutrition are food diversity, physical activity, clean living behavior, and a person’s body weight.
The application of balanced nutrition in the community is considered to be still not optimal so that there are still many nutritional problems in children, especially school-age children. Nutritional problems that often occur in school-age children are children with low height, very thin, overweight, and anemia. A child who does not meet the Nutrition Adequacy Rate (RDA) can lead to sub-optimal growth and development of the child, decreased intelligence of the child and is at risk of developing degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and hypertension. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to make efforts to prevent nutritional problems in school-age children. Prevention efforts that can be done are providing education, socialization, and implementation to health workers, teachers, and parents. The role of health workers, teachers and parents is very important in the habits and behavior patterns of children, especially in the habit of consuming nutritious food.
The importance of this prevention effort raises the desire of Diponegoro University KKN students to be able to provide education and socialization to the people of Bangkok villages. The implementation of Balanced Nutrition Guidelines is carried out as an effort to prevent nutritional problems in children. This activity was carried out starting on January 19, 2023 with the target being mothers with school-age children and children at SDN Bangkok. The series of activities carried out included conducting a survey of school-age children in Bangkok Village, educating and outreach to mothers who have school-age children, teachers and children at SDN Bangkok, as well as implementing the contents of my plate.
(Private photo)
Survey activities were conducted to analyze children in Bangkok villages who experience nutritional problems. Meanwhile, educational and socialization activities are given to mothers who have school-age children and children at SDN Bangkok. Education and socialization is carried out by giving pretests, delivery of material, and post tests. The materials presented were 10 guidelines for balanced nutrition, the contents of my plate, and a special message for balanced nutrition for school children. The implementation activity was carried out by asking the children of SDN Bangkok to bring supplies to school. This aims to provide nutrition for children and as a media for nutrition education for teachers and parents. Furthermore, the teacher periodically evaluates balanced nutrition in the food supplies brought by the children and follows up by communicating with parents. The implementation of balanced nutrition guidelines is expected to be able to change children’s habits in consuming healthy food and optimize the growth and development of children in Bangkok villages.

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Author Name : Putri Rahmawati Az Zahro (Public Health)
1. Reny Wiyatasari, SS, M.Hum
2.Dr. Ir. Baginda Iskandar Moeda Tampoebolon, M.Si., IPM
3. Irfan Murtadho Yusuf, SAP, MPM