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“Maximizing Sales: 5 Tips for Sustainable Growth for Small and Medium-Sized Companies”

Hannover (ots) –

Marvin Flenche is the founder and managing director of A&M Unternehmerberatung, a marketing agency specializing in the trades sector, and of A&M Sales Solutions GmbH, whose CRM system, verkauf.io, is revolutionizing the sales of small and medium-sized companies and agencies. Thanks to the smart solution, you can achieve better sales with manageable effort. Here you can find out which five tips lead entrepreneurs to sustainably more sales.

For most companies, it is one of the major goals of every financial year: They want to increase their sales. However, this wish often remains, but the results are not forthcoming. There are many reasons for stagnating or even declining sales. Marvin Flenche, himself a successful entrepreneur and sales expert, reveals: “The desire for higher income is not only justified, but also fundamentally healthy. At the same time, companies must keep an eye on the sustainability factor. More sales at any price can also be dangerous.” In the following, the expert has summarized what to look out for when maximizing sales and how companies can achieve this for themselves.

1. Systematically optimize the sales process

First, companies should analyze their previous successful sales cases. It will be shown that certain factors repeat themselves. If these can be identified and then integrated as proven standard specifications in sales, the quotas will also improve. Ideally, the most successful sales strategies are modeled and adapted by top salespeople.

2. Pass on proven knowledge and best practices

In addition, the knowledge transfer of successful sales methods in the company should be made easier. This works particularly efficiently with the help of lists, scripts and guidelines. In this way, new sales employees can fall back on this tried-and-tested know-how right from the start. Ideally, however, top salespeople’s best practices are shared not just with new hires, but with the entire team to ensure the best results.

3. Actively approach customer management

One thing is certain: those who approach their customers proactively increase their chances of higher sales measurably. So, instead of waiting for customers to come forward with questions themselves, sales reps should be in touch with their customers on a regular basis. This not only strengthens the relationship, but also enables uncertainties and questions to be clarified immediately.

4. Completely document customer interactions

In order for companies to benefit optimally from their proactive customer management, all customer interactions must be carefully documented. This includes calls, attempted contacts and meetings, and the details that have been raised. Thanks to this complete logging, customer management becomes more efficient in the long term. After all, all relevant information remains available even if there is a change of employee or a longer processing time.

5. Monitor performance and train staff as needed

In addition, companies should start using performance indicators to measure effectiveness. The score is also interesting. This data can subsequently be used to identify the actual training and development needs of its employees. Targeted support for the sales staff then helps to increase efficiency, increase sales and ensure greater overall satisfaction.

As an SME or agency, would you like to optimize your sales results with measurably less effort and be accompanied by an experienced expert? Contact Marvin Flenche now ( and make an appointment!


A&M Sales Solutions GmbH
Marvin Flenche
E-Mail: [email protected]

Press contact:
Ruben Schaefer
[email protected]

Original content from: A&M Sales Solutions GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell
Original message: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/168933/5508905

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2023-05-15 06:36:33
#companies #increase #sales #sustainably #Marvin #Flenche #tips

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