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Maximizing Internal Marketing Resources for Effective Advertising

Sparta media_Ritvars Macieša

A large number of Baltic companies continue to invest ineffectively in advertising due to disorganized internal marketing. The main goal of any company is to make a profit, and of course, advertising is an essential tool for achieving this goal. But is that enough to get long-term customers? It is possible to gain an audience with advertising, but how many of the viewers will become customers no longer depends on advertising alone.

Whether attracting external marketing resources will pay off is directly related to how organized the company’s internal marketing resources are. External marketing as paid advertising in various media channels allows the company to promote its services or a certain product, thus attracting the attention of the potential consumer. It’s only logical that when using external marketing resources, our clients expect to increase sales. However, over the past few years, I have noticed that the problem of achieving peak performance lies somewhere else – in the company’s neglect of its internal marketing.

As an example from my experience with clients, I can cite situations where a company is ready to spend 30 thousand to advertise its new product. The ad is created and the buyer becomes interested. However, whether the buyer will be ready to buy the product often depends on the next step, which includes, for example, a visit to the store. The buyer enters the store, but the product whose advertisement has filled the buyer’s ears is not easy to find or is often at the very bottom of the shelf. The same applies to online stores where, when entering the website, the advertised product must be searched as if with a magnifying glass. This is also where the company’s internal marketing comes to the fore – how much of what is directed outside corresponds to the company’s internals. If 30 thousand euros are spent on advertising a product, but it is placed at the bottom of the website in an online store, it might as well not have spent that money.

What is hidden behind advertising is more important than ever

The consumer has become smarter and is interested in understanding what is in the bear’s stomach. Now more than ever, it is being said that the age of attention is over and values ​​have come to the fore. In the past, it seemed that you could achieve anything with advertising, but now the competition is so great that the consumer does not waste time and chooses the most convenient, fastest place for shopping or receiving a service. It is important how the relevant product is presented to the consumer, because the choice in favor of its purchase will depend on it. We can all find an example from our lives when we have seen an advertisement, become interested in a product, entered a store – be it a physical store or online – but in the end decided to buy it elsewhere. And the factors that influenced this choice can be found directly in the application of the company’s internal marketing resources.

If a company spends heavily on paid advertising but is not willing to invest in its internal marketing resources, then the company is simply not achieving its peak results. The company most likely has a lot of potential, but it is very sad when you take a closer look at the company to clearly see that it is not being used. Maybe one year instead of a million, choose to invest half in advertising, and the remaining part in organizing your internal marketing resources? This is how long-term investment is made, resulting in loyal customers and long-term customer satisfaction.

Getting your internal marketing right starts with an individual approach

To begin organizing your internal marketing resources, you first need to identify challenges that will not be the same for all companies. For example, if a company is engaged in online sales, it is necessary to critically assess the customer’s experience when visiting the website of the online store: are all the banners arranged without covering the information needed by the customer, can the customer easily find the product he is interested in, etc. These are very small, but essential nuances in the organization of internal marketing, which most marketing managers do not even think about. It would be useful to ask a person not related to the company to evaluate the operation of the online store, because customer feedback directly indicates the necessary improvements.

The next step would be to evaluate these identified problems as a priority – that is, which of them have the greatest impact and slow down sales, and then you can start developing a strategy to eliminate these problems. Here it is important to remember that the responsibility lies with each company individually.

Expert opinion article

Ritvars Macieša, executive director of strategic planning media agency “Sparta media”.

media agency “Sparta media”

2023-10-16 06:33:56
#large #number #Baltic #companies #continue #invest #ineffectively #advertising #Market #news #Latvian #ratings

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