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Maximizing Influencer Campaign Success: The Importance of Performance Marketing Integration

For several years now, influencer marketing has been the best way to identify brands and, above all, to make products known. But not everything that is effective is also effective. Therefore, successful influencer campaigns need business correction in the form of performance marketing.

Influencer marketing has established itself as an integral part of modern marketing. According to predictions The global influencer marketing market could reach $22.2 billion by 2025. In the DACH sector, nearly 50 percent of all companies spend more than 50,000 euros per year on corresponding marketing measures; Studies show that 13 percent of these companies invest more than 250,000 euros. These investment amounts reflect the growing importance of this communication channel.

However, choosing the right influencers is one of the biggest challenges in this field. There are already nearly 40 million active influencers worldwide on platforms such as Instagram, and the number continues to grow. With this large number of potential partners, it is increasingly difficult, time-consuming and risky for brands to identify suitable individuals. In particular, influencers with wide reach whose appearance or behavior do not match brand values ​​can lead to a rapid loss of reputation. Unlike traditional advertising, with influencer marketing the control is not entirely dependent on the marketing strategies. Trust is the most important currency in this business.

It’s not enough to just attract influencers with a wide reach. It is important to find those who truly fit the brand and are seen as credible by their target group. A survey by Statista shows that nearly 40 percent of marketing decision-makers in the DACH sector see identifying relevant influencers as their biggest challenge – a problem that is primarily caused by the number a lot of influencers. The risk of a brand-damaging mistake is increasing.

The importance of price

Another major challenge in influencer marketing, aside from choosing the right influencer partners, is developing a fair and transparent pricing model. The traditional method of paying lump sums for roles no longer meets today’s needs. Hi! because of medialabel offers an innovative solution for this: The platform relies on pricing models that take into account the reach and participation of influencers. This approach promotes performance-based pay, where costs are directly linked to the results achieved. This ensures that investments in the marketing budget are used effectively and contributes directly to the success of the company.

The pricing model a company should use will ultimately depend on what product is being marketed and what is to be achieved. If the goal of the campaign is to sell a new product, for example, the advertiser can be paid for each sale through their link. The billing options are very different and should always be designed individually for the goal of the campaign.

Best influencer match

The heart of a successful influencer campaign is matching brand and influencer precisely. A false match can derail the campaign, even if the budget and creative ideas are right. Hi! with medialabel, the selection of creators and brands is usually done manually, although influencers have the opportunity to apply for campaigns offered in the app. Artificial intelligence, algorithms and many years of experience in matching creator and brand support this. This combination makes it possible to ensure the best and true partnerships and increase the success of a campaign.

Social media marketing as a necessary step

The need for sophisticated social media marketing cannot be overstated. Influencers play a vital role as they are the link between brands and their consumers. Through their ability to tell authentic stories and build real connections with audiences, influencers can have a huge impact on brand perception. It is only through these relationships that customer loyalty and trust can be gained in the long term.

Die Integration from Performance Marketing

The real power of influencer marketing comes when combined with performance marketing. This integration allows the success of campaigns to be accurately measured and strategies to be changed in real time. Platforms like hi! with medialabel providing advertising companies with detailed analytics and key performance indicators to monitor campaign success. For example, the platform offers insights into important metrics such as click numbers, conversion rates and return on investment. By closely integrating influencer and performance marketing, brands can optimize ad spend and ensure that every investment gets the most impact.

2024-04-23 07:30:36
#influencer #performance #marketing #belong #businesson.de

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