Home » today » Business » Maximize Your Financial Flexibility in Old Age with Partial Property Sales: A Unique Alternative to Traditional Pensioner Loans

Maximize Your Financial Flexibility in Old Age with Partial Property Sales: A Unique Alternative to Traditional Pensioner Loans

Selling part of a property represents an interesting alternative to a traditional pensioner loan, particularly for property owners looking for financial flexibility in old age. With this option, the owner sells up to 50 percent of their property without having to leave their home.

The partial buyer, in our case E&V LiquidHome GmbH, becomes a silent co-owner, where the original owner remains registered in the land register and retains the usufruct right. This means that the seller still gets the full right to use the property, whether it is through living or renting it out.

The newly acquired capital can be used for a number of purposes, be it for renovations, fulfillment of life dreams, larger purchases or simply as a financial cushion. The seller also has the opportunity to modify the property according to his needs, for example by making it unrestricted.

Another positive aspect is that the partial seller can remain in his property despite selling part of his property. This offers a unique combination of financial liquidity and the preservation of the living environment you know. In addition, the partial seller still benefits from the full rental income, less any usage tax if the property is rented out.

As part of the sale of part of the building, we contribute financially to certain maintenance works (such as roof renewal, new heating and electrical cables) and certain public costs (such as residents’ fees or development costs) according to our share of joint property. If we add these costs, the user fee will increase accordingly.

As a seller, you can decide whether to bear these special costs and work on your own or seek our help. If you decide to bear these costs alone, you will receive an “investment share” from the sale proceeds if there is an increase in value.

2024-04-20 19:07:32
#Loans #pensioners #loans #seniors #options

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