Buying games as a team to have a better chance of winning the Euromillion is what the Club & Win platform created by an Auvergne native offers.
At 34, Brice Cassoux from Egliseneuve-près-Billom in the Puy de Dome is the creator of the platform Club & Win.
The goalmultiply the chances of winning theEuromillions, comment ? by buying scratch games as a team and sharing the winnings.
The concept is simple, players pay a monthly subscription of 30 euros (minimum) and are distributed on the platform in groups of 150. According to The mountainwith this platform, players could try their luck on 100 to 400 scratchcards.
The gains shared in 150 parts could amount to 1.600.000 euros per player in the event of a Jackpot of 240 million euros.