One thing is certain, there is always one in the Meiland family catastrophe Place. This time, the preparations for Maxime’s birth ensure that. For example, a number of bobbins must be placed under her bed so that the midwife can reach them better.
Erica and Martien are not afraid of a job and take this task with both hands. Unfortunately things go wrong when three screws have to be removed from the rear part of the bed. After Martien indicates that it is impossible, Erica angrily takes matters into her own hands. Martien is soon done with that: “What a stubborn one”, he complains. “I’m going home! That annoying hassle every time with her.”
Maxime sees it all with sorrow. “I ask you for one job and it’s all right.” In the camera: “How they fight against each other, they’re like teenagers. It’s really not doing. (…) When I’m with my in-laws, I’ve never had this shit.”
In the end the job is done, but the former lord of the castle does not look back on it with pleasure: “I actually thought it was a kind of childbirth, terrible!”
Martien may not have enjoyed himself, but the viewers are enjoying the bickering duo:
Meanwhile, Maxime has given birth to daughter Vivé. RTL Boulevard went on a baby visit: