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Maxime Dubosq organizes the first edition of Kohlanti, inspired by Koh-Lanta

“I am very impatient to see the candidates compete in front of, I hope, a large audience to encourage them,” enthuses Maxime Dubosq, a resident of Illiers-Combray, who has designed, from A to Z, a challenge game, called Kohlanti, the first edition of which takes place from Monday July 5 to Friday July 9. Three teams will compete, over these five days, in Chartres and Illiers-Combray.

Maxime Dubosq admits to having been inspired by Koh-Lanta, the reality show of survival in extreme environments, broadcast on TF1, to imagine his concept: “I am very attached to the human values ​​of solidarity, respect, courage and idea of ​​surpassing oneself in the face of adversity. “

Recruitment of candidates

This 30-year-old apprentice butcher, employed at Carrefour Chartres, created a production company, Myaa, to organize this game. He himself imagined the challenges: challenges of orientation, balance and taste, but also the challenges. riddles, the journey through the water… He even made certain necessary objects and decorations, with wood: “I have experience as a carpenter. I used it to make certain structures. “

With the competition scenario and the decor finalized, Maxime Dubosq focused on recruiting candidates: “I myself had a lot of castings. I knew exactly the adventurer profiles that interested me. I focused on the responses from the applicants. “

Diversity of events

He retained eighteen people, divided into three mixed teams. These are candidates from Caen (Calvados), Chartres and Mali, as part of a summer stay in Eure-et-Loir. The selected participants have been training for several weeks to compete, in relays or in pairs, in various events with nicknames, such as “bound fate”. Even the obstacles have been given names, like “military rampage”.

The candidates will try to win the famous totem pole. The creator of Kohlanti believes he has fleshed out his game compared to Koh-Lanta and other similar programs: “There will be demonstrators who will present the tests. They will be in competition with each other. It is a challenge between us, on the sidelines of that of the candidates. “

Voice over of Secret Story

Maxime Dubosq has activated his network to surround himself with a team, notably made up of Rose, Miss Elegance Aquitaine 2021. Rose will be one of the leaders of the challenges. A radio and TV host, Dominique Duforest, will be present. He was also the voice of Secret Story, the TF1 show, from 2007 to 2017.

The producer found a private driver to transport the candidates to the various sites and received the support of the Chartres workshop La Dame à la Licorne, which offered scarves and embroidered headbands for the participants and the demonstrators. His partner, Florine, will take care of the hairstyles and makeup. Two volunteer cameramen were recruited to film the adventurers: “My concept could be offered on TVs. I have interesting contacts. Everything now depends on our setup and the success of this game. ”

Maxime Dubosq also wrote the text of a song, to rap music, to give an identity to his concept. He invested around € 3,000 in the Kohlanti project.

Maxime Dubosq, a multifaceted man. Child of the DDASS and future dad, Maxime Dubosq is an atypical person. And a clapper. Born in Chartres, he first recovered from his handicap: “I suffer from intolerance to light, forcing me to wear dark glasses. “An anomaly that boosted her energy and increased her determination tenfold:” I devoted myself a lot to sport, to push my physical and mental limits. He played football, then taekwondo. Today, he thrives in cross-fit and uses the devices daily at his home. He went from a weight of 47 to 75 kg in two years. But he has a goal: “I dream of becoming an actor, to play comedy. »His personality has opened the doors to television and radio shows, on W9, C8, NRJ12 or even Voltage. While waiting to be noticed, he participates in games. He won the Kohlantes events in July 2019. A derivative of Koh-Lanta visible only on social networks and Youtube: “I had nevertheless injured my nose and a rib. I was selected for Ninja Warrior but had an injury. »Maxime Dubosq is about the muscles, but also the head. He obtained 18.33 / 20 in the butcher’s CAP, first in his promotion: “I was considering creating a gourmet butcher’s shop to design structures on meats. The Kohlanti producer, a volunteer firefighter for six years, himself made the coconut wood totem used for his game. The butcher’s apprentice also worked in the carpenter industry. He was present, for many months, on the roundabouts of the outskirts of Chartres, with the yellow vests.

Thierry delaunay

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