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Máxima surprises Nijmegen: Queen speaks to heavily troubled cultural sector about corona crisis | Nijmegen

NIJMEGEN – Queen Máxima paid a working visit to the Stadsschouwburg and De Vereeniging in Nijmegen today. There she met representatives of the cultural sector to talk about the impact of the corona crisis on the theaters and concert halls.

The Queen spoke with management and employees about the consequences of the corona measures for programming, operational management, employment and about the expectations for the coming period.

The rector magnificus, staff and students of Radboud University were also present. They informed the queen about the collaboration between the university and the stages. The large halls are used for lectures and tests.

The pain is palpable

Why does Queen Máxima come to Nijmegen to inquire about the cultural sector in corona time? “The collaboration between the stages and Radboud University stands out,” says a spokeswoman for the Ministry of General Affairs. “The images of lectures in the Nijmegen concert hall have become nationally known.”


We earn 70 percent of the turnover ourselves from ticket sales and commercial rental. That income has largely disappeared. ”

Eva Misselhoff, Theater director Nijmegen

Culture is one of the sectors hard hit by the pandemic. First closure, then measures 1.5 meters, now only 30 people are allowed in a room while there was a closure for two weeks in between. Government support is keeping the big stages going, small stages are having a much harder time.

Queen Máxima visited Nijmegen for two hours to talk to people from the cultural sector about how they are coping. The talks were in concert hall De Vereeniging and the Stadsschouwburg.

“There is pain,” says theater director Eva Middelhoff. “With artists who have no income. Also with us, we cannot keep everyone employed. We earn 70 percent of the turnover ourselves from ticket sales and commercial rental. That income has largely disappeared. ”

Maxima at the Keize Karelplein in Nijmegen. © EPA

Lectures in the theater

The queen wants to know whether there are also points of light. “The crisis stimulates innovation and new collaborations,” says Middelhoff. “And we are learning to work quickly with online techniques such as live streaming.”

Another strategy is collaboration. In the summer, primary schools were allowed to use the theater for their final musical. This academic year there is an agreement with Radboud University. All large halls are used for lectures, where large numbers of students can go, subject to a meter and a half. The rental provides additional income.

The university is also happy with the scheme. Rector magnificus Han van Krieken: “Physical lectures are especially important for first-years, they have to land in the city.” “It’s so good to see each other at least once a week”, student Evelien van Dijk tells the queen.

Queen Maxima (R) during her working visit to the Concertgebouw De Vereeniging in Nijmegen.

Queen Maxima (R) during her working visit to the Concertgebouw De Vereeniging in Nijmegen. © ANP

Queen Máxima asks many questions. When asked how she sees the future, Eva Middelhoff says: “I assume that we will not be able to run at full speed again until 2024. Until then, we will tackle everything that is possible. ”

The concluding discussion is in the municipal theater. With alderman Noël Vergunst and colleagues from Nijmegen and Arnhem, among others. ‘We are joining forces’, is the message. Toine Tax, director of pop venue Doornroosje, explains: “We give each other something. If a concert is not possible with us, we turn to De Vereeniging. We bear the risk together and that is precisely why it is feasible. ” Nijmeegse and Arnhemse stages also work together. An example: as soon as something is possible again, they start a campaign together to attract the public to the theaters.

In her farewell, Queen Máxima expresses her respect for the way in which Nijmegen cultural institutions are dealing with the corona crisis and wishes them better times.

The past months performances could only be held for a small audience in connection with corona measures. The Stadsschouwburg and De Vereeniging have arranged the halls in such a way that a few hundred students of Radboud University can attend physical education every day, while they are still 1.5 meters apart.

NIJMEGEN, 1-12-2020, culture stages Nijmegen Queen Maxima in Nijmegen during a working visit to the Stadsschouwburg and Concertgebouw De Vereeniging.  The visit focuses on the impact of the corona crisis on entrepreneurship and the management of theaters and concert halls.  Queen Maxima in Nijmegen during a working visit to the Stadsschouwburg and Concertgebouw De Vereeniging.  The visit focuses on the impact of the corona crisis on entrepreneurship and the management of theaters and concert halls.

NIJMEGEN, 1-12-2020, culture stages Nijmegen Queen Maxima in Nijmegen during a working visit to the Stadsschouwburg and Concertgebouw De Vereeniging. The visit focuses on the impact of the corona crisis on entrepreneurship and the management of theaters and concert halls. Queen Maxima in Nijmegen during a working visit to the Stadsschouwburg and Concertgebouw De Vereeniging. The visit focuses on the impact of the corona crisis on entrepreneurship and the management of theaters and concert halls. © Brunopress

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