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Maxim Matveyev’s prototype in the series “Trigger”: “We face people with fears, but we don’t burn them in the barn”

Sergey Nasibyan

Provocative psychology is not an artistic invention of the authors of the series, but a real method used in psychology. The idea of ​​“Trigger” came about precisely due to the acquaintance of producer Alexandra Remizova with psychologist Sergei Nasibyan, an adherent of the provocative method that uses this tool in his professional activity.

He can rightfully be called the co-author of the script, because it was Nasibyan who advised the crew, read all the written series and made corrections from the point of view of the current psychologist. “Maxim and I met with him before filming together and separately,” said director Dmitry Tyurin. “We learned a lot from Sergey, maybe even some personal qualities that he spied.”

Sergey, I watched the first series and, frankly, it seems to me that the method of “shock therapy” is too much. Do you really work like that?

Sergey Nasibyan

All that is shown in the series is a cinematic version, absolutely artistic fiction. In practice, everything happens, of course, differently. First, the “shock therapy” method was invented by Channel One, but in reality it is provocative psychotherapy in which provocation is performed very gently, in a safe space, in the presence of a group of other people. We face a man with his fears, but in the barn, of course, we do not burn anyone.

And how quickly is the result achieved? The hero of Maxim Matveev says that even one session is enough.

Sergey Nasibyan

Only when the therapist was able to guess the problem itself and choose the right provocation.

Is there much in common between you and Artem Streletsky?

Sergey Nasibyan

Those of my friends who have already watched the series, and those with whom I worked on the set, say that Maxim’s remoteness is very accurate in conveying my way of talking and my communicative model. But the series, of course, is not autobiographical, there is a lot of fiction. I would say that this is rather my inner journey.

Well, for example, in the first episode, the hero leaves prison. Is this from your biography?

Sergey Nasibyan

Not. In the original, it was my return from India, but Channel One said that we would not understand India, we had to go to jail.

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And what has changed after the trip?

Sergey Nasibyan

You see, I have been studying Indian culture for many years. Since I returned, absolutely everything has changed. At a minimum, this culture allowed me to touch what is called intuition. Which, by the way, is used by Artem Streletsky.

Artyom is in prison after the suicide of one of the clients. Have you had suicides or attempts in your practice?

Sergey Nasibyan

Thank God no. In fact, in the series these events are in no way connected, but the audience will see this only later.

Cases are they all from your practice?

Sergey Nasibyan

Yes, you said it right, these are stories from my life and from my practice. All are taken either from my experience or from the experience of my colleagues. These are cases from the point of view of complaints – with what the patient comes, but in general they are all clinically correct.

Director Dmitry Tyurin and Maxim Matveev both admitted that they had never been to a psychologist. Was it not surprising for you to work with a team for which psychology is something unknown?

Sergey Nasibyan

When Sasha Remizova suggested that I write this story, describe life, work, I said that the only reason I would do this was to popularize psychology as a profession in our country. We really very many people think that they go to the psychologist when they are crazy. It is not true. Psychology should not be confused with psychiatry, these are completely different directions. Therefore, for me it was not some kind of discovery. Moreover, in addition to Maxim Matveev and Dima Tyurin, I had to work with a large number of people, and I saw how cautiously they treat me, at first they asked me questions.

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For instance?

Sergey Nasibyan

You understand, when people meet with me under some circumstances, they usually come up and ask: “You know, my sister or girlfriend has such a problem …”. Then I begin to talk about my sister, as if, but at the same time, a person realizes that I’ve been talking about him for a long time, and understands that this has become useful to him. In social contacts, I never do this, but since the crew was important to see, I think, I had to be fairly open in this context. It was interesting for me that people did not know anything about this, they had no information of their own, there was no relation to it, they were like a blank sheet.

You often attended the filming. Was there something you fundamentally disagreed with?

Sergey Nasibyan

There were times when the actors, relatively speaking, replayed and did some things that a psychologist would never do. This is mainly speech turnovers. He commented on the landing of the heroes a lot – how to sit properly, what to do if you are threatened …

The hero Maxim has a very complicated relationship with his father. You said earlier that your idol is dad.

Sergey Nasibyan

Understand that my inner work is shown in the movie. The idol of the protagonist, in fact, is also his father. But viewers will understand this only in the second or third season. This is the main psychological game, when a person essentially has to remove his idol from the pedestal. In my personal life, of course, this is not so.

Photo: press service

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