Home » World » Max Terpstra enters into discussion with Maarten: ‘That is really not true’

Max Terpstra enters into discussion with Maarten: ‘That is really not true’

Contestants episode 21

In episode 21 of De slimste mens we see candidates Max Terpstra and Nicolaas Veul. The challenger this episode is writer and presenter Sacha Bronwasser, who has a bestseller to her name.

Carbonara met room

In the Open Door round, people are asked what they know about carbonara. Max Terpstra mentions ‘pasta, ‘bacon’ and ‘egg’. The missing answer is ‘cheese’. According to Maarten, the sauce also has cream, but Max completely disagrees. ‘That is really not true.’

Maarten qualifies his remark somewhat: ‘It could be that it is a kind of Dutch variant. Probably a European fusion dish. But it has to be a bit creamy, right?’

Max’s suggestion is to mix a lot of egg yolk with the cheese. According to him, that makes the sauce creamy. Maarten quickly says that he doesn’t make the pasta with cream himself. Max has only one answer to that: ‘Then you’re really going to the wrong restaurants.’


With 367 seconds, Nicolaas Veul moves on to the next episode of The smartest person. Sacha (238 seconds) and Max (328 seconds) compete in the final, which becomes bloodcurdling when they are almost equal at one point. At the last minute, our pasta lover Max manages to win.

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