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Mávila Huertas and former Minister Luis Miguel Castilla were captured together | Magaly TV signs it | video | mdga | Shows

Mávila Huertas and the former minister Luis Miguel Castilla they became protagonists of the new ‘ampay’ of Magaly TV, the firm.

Magaly medina, during the broadcast of his space, revealed the photo where the journalist and the former official are observed sitting on a bench in Roosevelt Park in San Isidro the afternoon of last Wednesday, both without wearing the mandatory mask.

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The ‘Urraca’ explained that both would maintain a relationship a few weeks ago, which is why they would have decided to show themselves in public. She also recalled that Mávila Huertas has been divorced from the journalist since 2013 Roberto Reategui, with whom she was married since 2009.

“If you go to a Sanisidrino park where half of Lima passes, it means that you are no longer hiding. In other words, Mávila Huertas has an affair with the former Minister of Economy, Luis Miguel Castilla, because they have told me that they leave, they leave ”, said the figure of ATV.

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Mávila Huertas and former Minister Luis Miguel Castilla did not wear a mask

In the images displayed on the Magaly TV program, the firm called attention that both figures were not using the mask, despite the fact that it is a mandatory measure to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

mavila huertas luis miguel castilla

The journalist and the former official were seen on the afternoon of Wednesday, August 12, in a well-known park in San Isidro.

Mávila Huertas blocks comments on Instagram after appearing with Luis Miguel Castilla

After Magaly TV, the firm spread a photo in which Mávila Huertas and Luis Miguel Castilla appeared together, the journalist chose to block the comments on her account Instagram.

Mávila Huertas on Instagram

How old have Mávila Huertas and Luis Miguel Castilla been?

Currently, journalist Mávila Huertas is 49 years old, while Minister Luis Miguel Castillas, who was born in October 1968, is 51 years old.

Mávila Huerta. Photo: Instagram

Who is Mávila Huertas?

Mávila Huertas is a recognized journalist, Peruvian television host and writer who began her career as an investigative reporter.

Huertas is currently the host of America newss central edition and also carries the same title the Canal N.

Mávila Huerta. Photo: Instagram

Who is Luis Miguel Castilla?

Luis Miguel Castilla was Minister of Economy and Finance from 2011 to 2014, during the Government of Ollanta Humala.

After three years, he resigned from his position and, in 2015, he was appointed as Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Peru to the United States.

Mávila Huertas is divorced from journalist Roberto Reátegui

Magaly Medina’s program released some images where Mávila Huertas appears with former minister Luis Miguel Castilla.

According to the ATV figure, they would have decided to show themselves publicly since the journalist has been divorced since 2013, from Roberto Reátegui, whom she married in 2009.

Mávila Huerta reveals that she decided to freeze her eggs

The news anchor Mávila Huerta he referred to his marriage to Roberto Reategui and her plans to be a mother when she was married. “I always thought of being a mom with a dad. When I was married to Roberto I was dying to have one of the two of them, “she stated in ‘You are in all’.

At the same time, the host expressed how she has projected about motherhood. “You imagine this new ‘little person’ is going to be half him, half you. The product of a relationship of great love and that this will be reflected in the child’s life ”, and mentioned that during that stage, she made the decision to freeze her eggs.

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Mávila Huertas dedicates an emotional message to René Gastelumendi

In January of last year, Mávila Huertas showed his great friendship with René Gastelumendi by dedicating a tender message to the journalist through Twitter.

“Thank you @socioperiodismo for being my partner. Lucky to also have your friendship. @noticiAmerica ”, wrote the host of América Noticias.

Mávila Huertas leaves a message to René Gastelumendi

Mávila Huertas trolls Erick Osores for his new look

In the middle of the quarantine, many people chose to refresh their appearance with a makeover, as was the case with Erick Osores. The sports journalist appeared on the program wearing his new style and caused the grace of many of his colleagues, including Mávila Huertas.

Mávila Huertas asked Osores to show him his new court. Photo: Central America

The America TV host took the opportunity to troll him and ask him to put himself in profile to model his new haircut, after which she told him that “he looked ‘churrisimo’.

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