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Mauvezin. The story of an ash tree like no other

It looked great in the ash tree at the top of the hill, at the “Passage Saint-Cère”, just at the bottom of the eponymous street, a few steps from the fire-fighting center. Only, the town decided, twenty years ago, to build a set of social housing, at the top of this “Passage Saint-Cère”. To do this, a large construction crane had to be mounted, but the tree was right there. To make it disappear was therefore necessary and it was a heartbreaking for all the inhabitants of the district. But what followed reassured them in that the stump of the tree produced some buds and a municipal employee had the idea to keep 4 well placed. So, now, in Mauvezin, there is an ash tree with 4 trunks. A curiosity.

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