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Maurizio Battista writes to his 5-year-old daughter on social media and his ex-wife gets furious- Corriere.it

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The comedian and Alessandra Moretti broke up. He wrote a post to say his love to the child despite the separation but the actress replies “Tell the truth or shut up”

The marriage of Maurizio Battista, 64, and Alessandra Moretti, a Roman actress thirty years younger, with whom he had little Anna, is over. And not good. There have always been tumultuous separations, but since there are social networks the tumult is amplified. This is what happened to the two actors. There had already been a crisis in 2018, then the union was recomposed but evidently the crisis remained in the air. And now the break is final. After the separation, Battista shared a message on Facebook for his daughter Anna (5 years old) to explain that, even if he and his mother are no longer a couple, the father will always be there for her. Tender words that, however, infuriated the ex-wife, who replied with a post: «Either you say it all or you don’t tell it. It is better not to tell it in my opinion ».

The Facebook post of Battista to his daughter

«Dear Anna, sometimes in life it happens that two people no longer understand each other, that their feelings slowly fade and that, unable in any way to find each other, they decide to move away from each other. My path and my mother’s will divide, but I will always keep you at the center of my world, preserving and supporting you. Every day I will continue to remind you to always go into things, to believe in yourself even when your heart will seem to have gone to pieces, because despite everything the only lighthouse is always love “. This is Battista’s post for his little daughter.

The angry response of the wife

Who is not moved is Anna’s mother. Which wrote very harsh words that evidently hide a truth that only the two of them know. «For the umpteenth time I find myself the protagonist of a little theater, in spite of myself, with no respect for either my person or my daughter’s (sorry, our daughter), because you have to show I don’t know who your private affairs. But after all I am a woman, what do I count? You with your marked megalomania of “I know Maurizio Battista you are nothing, you are a dog I know a lion ‘”. And again: «But do we want to tell them the reasons? Because this declaration of love to your daughter (which I play home not being in your hand) in which you declare yourself the beacon of her existence, vacillates on all points. You talk about slowly fading feelings of dividing paths, but when ever? Here everything is different. Either you say it all or you don’t tell it. It is better not to tell it in my opinion ». And he concludes: «Then I don’t have the heart to write you two lines for your daughter, of which I don’t understand the need since she doesn’t even know how to read. He is eager to appear at any cost. Bah”.

The debut in the theater

Meanwhile, on Tuesday 14th, Battista debuts with a new show «Tutti Contro Tutti» staged at the Olympic Theater. He explained: «On stage we will talk about this air of perennial brawl that today is also on television where you always find someone against someone else. But a bit ‘everywhere people have become quarrelsome, too many opposing factions and so the atmosphere that arises is certainly not the best. We will try to bring all this to the stage by telling it in an ironic way of course ».


December 14, 2021 (change December 14, 2021 | 15:41)

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