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Mauricette, 78, first person vaccinated in France against Covid-19

The first person vaccinated against Covid-19 in France is a 78-year-old woman, Mauricette. She received Sunday, December 27 the first dose of the vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech in Sevran (Seine-Saint-Denis), at the René-Muret hospital, according to a franceinfo journalist present on the spot. “Not even hurt”, reacted the septuagenarian, smiling, just after the injection. “I am very well. I had bites!” “I am very moved“, she added a few moments later. To the caregivers around her who reminded her that she is the first person vaccinated in France, she replied with a smile:”I’m the star, then!

Mauricette was then placed under observation for 15 minutes. This is the protocol for all patients who are going to be vaccinated, to ensure that there are no allergic reactions.

Doctor Jean-Jacques Monsuez, cardiologist at René-Muret hospital, was the second vaccinated in France. At 65, he is therefore one of the caregivers at risk. He expressed a thought for all of his healthcare colleagues who are battling the Covid-19 epidemic. “If this vaccine can allow us to defeat this virus, so much the better”, he said. He thinks it is necessary “accompany patients towards this vaccination, even if it is their choice and that their decision must be respected”. A total of nine people received an injection of the vaccine in Sevran.

Seine-Saint-Denis, the poorest department in metropolitan France, has been hit hard by the coronavirus epidemic, with nearly 1,500 deaths in hospitals.

Sunday afternoon, three patients from the nursing home Champmaillot from the Dijon University Hospital Center, the second launching center for the vaccination campaign in France, were in turn vaccinated. They are two residents of the geriatric center, Alain, 92, and Daniel, 80, as well as the professor of geriatrics Pierre Jouanny. Their consent had been obtained during preliminary consultations on Saturday and Sunday morning.

Vaccinations will resume Tuesday and Wednesday at the Champmaillot nursing home. About thirty residents will then receive the Comirnaty messenger RNA vaccine developed by the American Pfizer and the German BioNTech. The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region is currently the most affected in France with an incidence rate of 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, which even reaches 321 cases per 100,000 inhabitants among those over 65.

President Emmanuel Macron published a series of messages on the social network Twitter on Sunday morning. “After the green light from the health authorities, the vaccination campaign begins today, in France and in Europe. First stage of the vaccination campaign: the elderly living in communities as well as vulnerable health professionals. Let’s pass the message on to our ancestors, let’s protect them first“, said the head of state in a series of tweets.

Emmanuel Macron recalled that the vaccine was free and not compulsory. “Let us have confidence in our researchers and doctors. We are the country of the Lights and of the Shepherd, reason and science must guide us“, also tweeted the head of state.

The government has set the goal of one million vaccinated by the end of February among the oldest and most vulnerable, individuals and caregivers, in the 7,000 nursing homes and other similar establishments.

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