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Maturity 2020, the no to exam in class is growing. How credits are converted

While discussing what to do for the recovery in September, another grain breaks out on the table of Education Minister Lucia Azzolina. The National Headquarters Association publishes a note explaining that not said that the exam in school can actually be done. Patience if the distance exam has never been tried by anyone it risks bringing more problems than anything else, patience for the importance of testing for kids: the fear of contagion still has the upper hand. It is explained in the note that among the managers, teachers and ATA staff there are considerable doubts about the health risk that could be run staying in the classroom for several days to complete the exams. Even in full awareness of the symbolic value of the examination – the principals write – all the circumstances in which it should take place must be carefully weighed. The real problem must be tackled and resolved as soon as possible: defining specific safety protocols concerning the tools, procedures and related responsibilities. We cannot leave schools alone – and the managers who run their business – in deciding how to organize themselves. We need clear rules and they serve immediately. As for Lazio explains Mario Rusconi, head of the association presici of the region: In Rome, the building-school heritage in about 70% of the cases dates back to before the 70s so the wide spaces such as gyms, lecture halls and corridors spacious are really difficult to find. Against the face-to-face exam, there is also a petition from the school partisans on change.org. And the unions, from the CGIL to the CISL and the UIL, ask the government for answers as soon as possible: Without the security protocol there is no possibility of reaching maturity, said by Francesco Sinopoli (Flc CGIL).

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The waivers

From the ministry they say that the protocol for the examination is almost ready. But it is true that in these days in which the commissions are being formed (all composed of internal members, except the president) the apprehension of the principals for the possible defections of the teachers is growing: the deadline for the composition was April 30 but not all are ready. In the event of renunciation by the professors – they must necessarily be part of it as an Italian and a subject of orientation – they can draw on colleagues, perhaps younger, from the same class. As an extreme ratio, the hypothesis of hiring ad hoc alternates is envisaged.

The new credits

Meanwhile, the ministry is doing the accounts to remodel – as announced last week – the credits accrued by the boys in recent years: in fact, they will be worth many more than usual, up to 60 of the 100 points of the final vote. Instead the only surviving proof of maturity, the interview, can be worth up to 40 points maximum. According to rumors and pending the order, there are two hypotheses in the field: that the third year is worth 18 points, the fourth 19 and the last 23 or that you choose to count them until 18-20-22. The conversion of credits will still be done before the start of the test scheduled for June 17.

May 4, 2020 (change May 4, 2020 | 5:01 pm)


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