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Mattia Torre, Valerio Mastandrea remembers him a year after his death: the letter on Twitter

“My friend. I am sure to make you a welcome thing, and I am going to prepare a small account of facts and news which you have not had access to in the past year ». Thus began a long and excruciating letter of Valerio Mastandrea a Mattia Torrewhat screenwriter, playwright e movie directordied a year ago, on July 19, 2019. The actor has released a long thread (a conversation via tweet, ed) on his Twitter profile The two had worked together in different shows and movies. But perhaps the series had brought them together more than anything else The vertical line – taken in turn from a book by Torre – in which the screenwriter had told his long story disease and hospitalization to fight the cancer, played by Valerio Mastandrea. The eight-episode opera had become a case for being able to face the tumor dramawithout rhetoric, but also using ironic elements.

«I don’t allow myself to ask you how you are knowing theagnostic affirmquick and violent that would replace the simple answer.

You will also forgive me the sad coincidence between this mine and the date of your departure but what you want, man is also valid for his small weaknesses one of all, mine, this one, with which I am looking for a lexicon that does not exist to endure the time we no longer share you and me.

For obvious reasons I would not dwell on the autumn recently spent even if your crew was at sea sailing has never been so sweet and calm, although from the top of the tree it was all a telescope waiting for the anomalous wave or a John Silver suddenly.

Even more obvious are the reasons that prevent me from going back, to the summer that sanctified the pain, consecrated thelove that you scattered and you still scattered and that melted the real ice by streams of thoughts with which we have to count, every day until the last.

L’estate that when it ends it’s the usual season of nostalgia nothing else was, last season, a motionless season, with the heart of each one outside, resting on a wall and each one looking at his own, hoping he would not stop the march in fits and starts.

Only starting from the warm winter then and from brindisi which started this incredible year today I can report.

I’m sure you would have used 2020, in its original numerical scan, as an anathema during a traffic light dispute, adjective for an official of the public tv o noun suitable for a tennis match on which you had very high expectations.

It started with an American military action that we would have said about a daring move in a low-level Risiko when the goal is to destroy armies of your own color.

Yet I feel that after the mutual dismay to which we would have met with relative concern for the fate of our heirs, you would have offered an anecdote of a similar situation in ancient Tuscia that would have pacified me in an instant.

The next twenty days are light courses, lulled by your boat finally in the harbor welcomed with open arms. The sky has been less white than it should have been and with its unusual spring breeze now only for those who still think that time is a bar topic.

So there was lightness my friend, but not real, not reassuring, not easy at all. For those who feel nausea in the head and not in the center, the air that drew was barrier air, when you cover your balls and face and the blow is slow in coming.

And the funny thing is that the close range never came. But the barrier world has remained, only covering its face and breathing less.

I don’t know how we would have shared this position waiting for the ball without knowing where it would come from. Perhaps starting from the fear of not understanding to arrive at the praise of cowardice or perhaps from contempt for the latter and an insane desire to return to vote.

I know I would have waited for your personal appointment at 6:00 pm in which you would have translated into a few extremist words, maybe two, the pain for numbers, lo disconcert for the stories of people who go away on their own and the effort of having to deal with all of this one day.

Because your idea of ​​the future as well as relating to the question “where to have dinner tomorrow” has always been mobile, quick and unreachable for everyone. You the future always had to stop and wait for it. You and your haste to hurry.

In the barrier months we would have measured the pulse atanxiety looking for the beat because we would finally be saved by her. We would have buried her by sms in favor of a fear, unique, alone, of all.

Everything will be fine in the end everyone said so. Who knows how you would have gotten the snatch of your workhorse phrase from the country. I am sinking in regret, it was not my intention. I am proud of mine fragility but not up to this point.

I was here to take you to knowledge of what happened while you were gone. To tell you how many incredible things could have been credible if you talked together.

I was here but maybe I’m gone. At least as I would have liked to be there. Sober, lucid and looking for a glimmer of truth. On what happens e why you’re not there.

I just wanted to try and see if I could bring up everything I’ve been missing for a year. And no, I did not succeed and it also proves the return to a normal lexicon, useless trying to resist.

My distant friend, I really wish this was the first appointment for a rigorous and punctual update and update but we both know it will not be.

I’m very confident but on the fact that in the rest of my life you and I will find a way to tell each other the millions of things we would have to say, in the only way possible. Your.

The partnership with Ciarrapico, the arrival of Vendruscolo and the triumph of «Boris»

Trained inRoman theatrical setting, Mattia Torre made himself known in the early nineties thanks to his collaboration with the director and screenwriter Giacomo Ciarrapico. Together with him he signed the comedies The office, I’m not involved, It’s all OK e Little souls, which later became a film in 1998. It was however made famous Boris. In 2007 he joined the now consolidated duo Torre-Ciarrapico Luca Vendruscolo, creating a stainless trio. From 2007 to 2010 the three wrote Boris, one TV series that makes fun of the television world starting from the figures of three listless screenwriters. Boris it marked a watershed in Italian television production, with its irreverent and ironic soul. There is a before and after Boris. In 2011 he also became a film, also signed by the trio Torre, Vendruscolo and Ciarrapico.

The partnership and friendship with Mastandrea, consolidated byinterpretation of the actor of the series The vertical line, he had seen the actor also give life to the monologue of another’s fault, which quickly became viral. At the center, the theme of the habit of unloading responsibility for current problems on those who preceded us. As a television author, Torre had written Speak with me by Serena Dandini and subsequently The show must go off always with the same presenter, while in addition to The vertical line he had also published the volume Thank you: April ’99 Albania during the war, the diary of a trip to Albania a few weeks after the Kosovo war.

July 19, 2020 (change July 19, 2020 | 18:18)


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