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“Mattia must not die” – South Tyrol News

Pavia – While the number of infected people in Italy has long passed the thousand mark and 34 people have been killed by the coronavirus, the so-called “patient one” – the 38-year-old who is probably eating a meal with one from China at the end of January infected the returning man and since then has been the starting point for Codogno’s focus of infection – still in mortal danger. An extensive team of doctors and nurses takes care of the 38-year-old man who is in the intensive care unit and will soon become a father. The doctors hope that he will gain new insights into the disease. The 38-year-old’s struggle for survival and the efforts of the doctors have long since become a symbol of the resistance of an entire country to the coronavirus epidemic.

Pavia’s “San Matteo” polyclinic is at the forefront in the fight against Covid-19. In addition to around a hundred coronavirus patients who are currently being treated in the clinic, the so-called “patient one”, Mattia, is also in the “San Matteo”. Today the experts believe that Mattia got infected with the alleged “patient zero” – a colleague who had recently returned from China – while eating. The 38-year-old, who is active in sports as a runner, is regarded by the medical experts as the starting point for Codogno’s focus of infection.


Since being admitted ten days ago, Mattia has been in the intensive care unit of Pavia’s “San Matteo” hospital. His wife Valentina, also infected with the coronavirus, who will give birth to the couple’s first child in about a month, will be treated in the Sacco hospital in Milan. But while his 36-year-old, pregnant woman is hopeful about the future, Mattia’s condition is of great concern. “I know that I don’t make any scientific statements, but in order to defeat an unknown enemy, we also need several happy coincidences to come together. Good luck to us doctors and scientists, ”53-year-old Raffaele Bruno, who heads the team of doctors and nurses who take care of Mattia, told La Repubblica.

Mattia, who is in her own room in the intensive care unit, is not only a special case of illness because of his status as “patient one”. While all those who have died from the coronavirus have been old and frail people who have already suffered from serious illnesses, the 38-year-old falls outside this scope. Until the outbreak of the disease, Mattia was a young, completely healthy and very active athletic man who competed in a large number of amateur races for his “Gruppo Podistico Codogno ’82”. Saving him and the other sick people is not just a moral must. The doctors hope that the course of the disease in a young patient will provide new insights into the coronavirus.

Tutti noi del GP CODOGNO ’82 (il presidente Carlo Benuzzi, il direttivo e tutta la grande famiglia), come avrete…

Pubblicato da Gruppo Podistico Codogno ’82 su Sabato 22 febbraio 2020

“He remains sedated, passed out and intubated because he cannot breathe on his own. The problem is that we cannot predict the course of the infection. While other patients are already healed, his condition hardly improves from the first moment. The unpredictability is unfortunately a hallmark of unknown viruses, ”says Raffaele Bruno.

New viruses also require new therapies. “We give him a cocktail of medications that are used against HIV, hepatitis C and against Ebola. Ribavirin is also in the cocktail. In vitro experiments have shown that this cocktail of drugs inhibits virus growth. This drug mix has already been successfully tested on patients in China and South Korea. In hundreds of cases, doctors and scientists say that not only mild but also severe cases have been cured, ”says Raffaele Bruno.

“The corona virus moves with people. Its spread across the globe is fast and unstoppable today. Even though Lombardy is one of the most globalized and densely populated regions in Europe, it is a coincidence that the continent’s first focus of infection is the ten municipalities near Lodi. Giving identity to “patient zero” helps explain social dynamics. But we want to narrow the epicenter of the contagion and understand its dynamics, ”says the school’s molecular virology director, 56-year-old Fausto Baldanti.

Mattia’s case is no longer “only” of a scientific and medical dimension. The 38-year-old’s struggle for survival and the efforts of doctors have long since become a symbol of an entire country’s resistance to the coronavirus epidemic.

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