CASTELGUGLIELMO (Rovigo) – Amazon ends in front of the judge in Rovigo: in June, in fact, the Labor Section of Court of the Polesian capital will be called to express itself on the cause for the dismissal by the colossus ofe-commerce of 5 workers of the logistic office of Castelguglielmo-San Bellino. It all arose from the request for reimbursement of expensesfor amounts of a few hundred euros, that the workers made while they were away in the months of September and October 2021: despite having used the appropriate business platform, which initially authorized the charges, Amazon challenged the amount reimbursed in February. Although the employees, 4 of whom assisted by the secretary of Fit Cisl Padova and Rovigo Oscar Dalla Rosa, immediately declared themselves available to defend their work and to agree with the company, the company announced the immediate dismissals for everyone.
The workers therefore relied on the fiduciary lawyers of the CISL of Padua and Rovigo Maria Enrica De Salvo, Laura Ferrara and Roberto Finocchiaro to obtain reinstatement in the workplace or in any case adequate compensation for damages. “This is a wrong dismissal both in the procedure and in the merits”, affirm the lawyers Finocchiaro and De Salvo. In their opinion, in fact, “too much time has passed between the disputed facts and the dismissal. The workers followed a company procedure which, if they considered the requests incorrect, they could immediately refuse the payment. In any case, these were reasonable and necessary expenses for workers on business trips and a dismissal is in any case disproportionate, considering the disputed amounts and the absolute good faith of the workers, who are all very young, average age 26, and in some cases still students. Moreover, we were told that other colleagues were made similar complaints, but then they were not fired ».
For the general secretary of Fit Cisl Padova and Rovigo Oscar Dalla Rosa, “these are most likely the first causes that Amazon is facing in Rovigo, even if the union’s attention to work management and compliance with regulations and contracts remains high in a company where the possibility of proselytizing is almost impossible, also considering the strong turnover of workers that is carried out mainly using fixed-term or temporary contracts. Thanks to this action, the company has blocked other possible layoffs pending understanding how the dispute will end. Fit is at the side of the workers and to assert their rights “.