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Matteo’s Journey: Overcoming Challenges and Finding Joy in the Bonamy Family

The Bonamy family has not only known happy days… Indeed, Hillary and Giovanni have gone through very difficult ordeals, particularly with their last son, who suffered from a heart defect. The young mother recently confided with emotion: “ All that is well behind us, 2023 is just incredible! We are celebrating our 1 year of marriage (…) Our son Matteo is doing great! In reality it’s so many emotions, and it brings up so many things (…) We’ve been through so many complicated things… A really shitty year… But with such an extraordinary marriage, that in reality now we’re enjoying so much the life ! » . But at the moment, while the family is enjoying a wonderful stay in New York, little Matteo is having a relapse… We’ll explain.

Hillary, “We can’t take the plane…”

Last night, little Matteo had to be taken to the emergency room… Hillary gives news to her worried community: “ Concerning my little Matteo, we went to the emergency room yesterday. Nothing serious, his ear is running again. Fortunately it happened yesterday, and not in 3/4 days, we would be stuck in New York. You can’t fly while your ear is running » . To be continued… But how is the little boy doing? We tell you more.

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In his story, Hillary continues: “ He is on antibiotics. He doesn’t complain… On the contrary, he is full of life, despite everything! He asks to go see the animals » . Matteo is a very courageous little boy! Stay tuned for news about Giovanni and Hillary’s son.

2023-10-18 18:30:00
#Hillary #son #York #hospital #urgently

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