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Matteo Renzi, the names of those who could leave Italia Viva to support the government: denials and suspicions

Denials flock on all sides. From Palazzo Chigi, Giuseppe Conte it transpires that he is not looking for any “responsible” to keep his government up and running. So also from the parts of Italia Viva, those indicated as returning to the Democratic Party in order not to drop the executive, firmly deny the betrayal a Matteo Renzi. Yet something is moving. The rumors circulate insistently and are confirmed among the sacred rooms of politics. But not only: the meeting at the Quirinale on Saturday morning between Conte and Sergio Mattarella it’s there to show that you are working on a plan B, on a move that could allow the government to move forward if Renzi really wanted to go all the way. And that move, in fact, could be the acquisition of those responsible.

Read also: Matteo Renzi, embarrassed by a 2012 tweet

And to name the people who, in Italy Viva, would be thinking about returning to the Democratic Party, think about the Corriere della Sera. In an article by Tommaso Labate we read: “Renzi knows those names. He knows the suspicions, founded or not, that thicken on them. On Giuseppe Cucca as well as on Donatella Conzatti, up Eugenio Comincini as well as on Leonardo Grimani, up Gelsomina Vono, maybe even up Ernesto Magorno. Many of them, in the last twenty-four hours, have put half-denials on social media in black and white. “Half-denials, in short. The hypothesis, however, would be concrete and the names are now on the carpet. credit to the possibility of being betrayed. Always Labate gives an account of the former premier’s confidence: “So, I tell you that from here to a week Italy lives or will have the same senators it has today or it will have a few more. “We will see.

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