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Mattarella: «Ustica deep wound, friendly countries open to the truth»

«The massacre that took place in the sky of Ustica on the evening of June 27, 1980 is imprinted in the memory of the Republic with characters that cannot be erased. In the fortieth anniversary, we feel even stronger the bond of solidarity with the families of the eighty-one victims and we join in the memory of those who then lost their lives, with a deep wound in our national community “. The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella on the day of the fortieth anniversary of the Ustica massacre recalls that there are still dark sides to an event that has marked the history of the country: «It cannot and must not cease the commitment to look for what still does not appear defined in the events of that dramatic evening. Finding decisive answers, reaching their full and unequivocal reconstruction requires the commitment of the institutions and the open collaboration of allied countries with which we share common values. The duty of seeking the truth is fundamental for the Republic “.

The presidents of the Chamber and the Senate

“Every day without truth about the disaster of the DC-9 of Itavia represents a defeat for Italy and its institutions” is the underlining of the President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Casellati. «40 years after the massacre that caused 81 innocent victims, Ustica deserves justice. I had strongly wanted a meeting of the Presidency Council for the declassification of the acts but unfortunately, despite my good will, an agreement was not reached. I hope we will soon arrive at a definition necessary to ascertain the facts and contribute to making that clarity that the whole of Italy demands ». The President of the Chamber of Deputies Roberto Fico is even tougher: «I ask those who know how to speak to the end. Because he can’t die with this secret in his stomach ». Also because “after 40 years there is no reason for the state to keep”. Fico refers to “pieces of state that know. And I also wonder if the time has not come for someone to speak in our secret services too, “the President of the Chamber says. Fico insists and guarantees his commitment to get to shed light on Ustica. Even «when I went to France to meet the President of the French Parliament – remember – the first point I made was Ustica. We want a true and non-formal response to letters rogatory, that’s why I want a much stronger diplomatic job ».

June 27, 2020 (change June 27, 2020 | 1:47 pm)


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