“Once again, a highly relevant and topical theme has been chosen, which is part of the strategic reflection underway in Brussels, on which Mario Draghi also recently intervened with an authoritative report. In that report – focused as we all know on European competitiveness – the productivity gap between the European Union, the United States and China is mainly attributed to the technology sector”. This is what the President of the Republic says, Sergio Mattarellain his speech at the XVII Cotec Europa symposium, organised by the Cotecs of Portugal, Spain and Italy, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria during the closing session at the Pérez Galdós theatre.
For Mattarella, “technological sovereignty does not mean closure, entrenchment or protectionism, attitudes that would end up weakening and further marginalizing Europe, the states of the European Union. On the contrary, it is a construction site in which to strengthen research, to courageously face the digital transition, seizing the advantages of artificial intelligence in managing the epochal changes that it produces. It is significant that a special commissioner of the Union for technological sovereignty has been appointed to develop this construction site, Henna Virkkunen“.
The President of the Republic highlights that “public policies have a decisive role, both in terms of rules and in creating conditions that are useful for the growth of the world of research and the related ability to transform new knowledge into value and business. To remain competitive, resources are needed. First of all, funds for our educational systems – and in Italy there remains a significant deficit of education in the field of STEM degrees (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) – and for research, as well as agreements that ensure the supply of raw materials essential for the production of new technologies. Sovereignty in the technological field is nourished by these facts and by cooperation, because the question of the internationalization of research and related investments, of the protection of the strategic value of some areas is not indifferent”.
School, Mattarella: “A lot is asked of teachers, but salaries are often not up to par”
edited by the National Chronicle
Mattarella then underlines “some relevant aspects”. The first, he explains, “concerns aerospace and its implications, with the creation of a European capacity. For some years, European satellites have been put into orbit using private launchers from third countries, due to the unavailability of Russian engines usually used for carrier rockets. This is an example of the critical issues linked to shortcomings in community choices on the subject. It should be noted how Europe reacted during the Spanish presidency of the union, with the agreement at the European Space Agency, in Seville last November, the results of which are starting to be seen: the new large European launcher Ariane has successfully passed the first flight test, the medium-sized launcher Veneta has two tests scheduled within the year. In concrete terms, this will allow the satellite constellations approved by ESA, aimed at earth observation, to be put into orbit autonomously. Among them are the projects of our countries, ‘Atlßntica’, Spanish-Portuguese and the Italian ‘iride’, which could one day share the information collected”.
According to Mattarella, “the openness and the capacity for inclusion inherent in international scientific cooperation are essential factors so that access to innovation does not remain the exclusive prerogative of some countries, contributing to development and fair and collective growth”. The Head of State continues: “Innovation at the service of progress operates effectively within free and democratic regimes that have the dignity of people at their core: this is where Europe has its strength and its characteristic. Spain, Portugal and Italy can develop an important stimulus action in the EU”.
#Mattarella #praises #Draghi #report #European #competitiveness #authoritative
– 2024-09-20 18:34:26