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Mattarella in Ghana: “The Mattei Plan wants equal collaboration”

“The choice of Mattei’s name for the plan that the Italian government launched is not accidental because Mattei was truly a friend of West Africa, of the entire continent against every form of colonial exploitation, for collaboration on an equal level to protect the local resources and this is the objective of the Mattei plan. The plan is therefore for collaboration according to the indications and needs defined by the countries of the continent”. The president said so Sergio Mattarella speaking from Accra, the second stop of his visit to Africa, in a conversation with the President of Ghana Nor Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

“Ghana represents a fundamental partner for Italy in the partnership between Africa and Europe, a partnership that we intend to be based on mutual respect, on an equal collaborative relationship that benefits both parties because the future of Africa and Europe is necessarily common. The summit which took place last January in Rome – added President Mattarella in statements to the press – confirmed Italy’s intention to promote joint action”.

“Sahel situation is worrying, democracy canceled”

“We also talked about the crisis in the Sahel, the high concern for this area, both for the presence of military coups that nullify and erase democracy, an unacceptable condition, and for the weakening of regional cooperation which is so precious in West Africa and works so well.” Thus the President of the Republic. “There is a need to fully restore this collaboration and restore democracy. Italy greatly appreciates the role of Ghana and the Western economic community in pushing with determination for the restoration of democracy in those countries, this also to the advantage of effective fight against terrorism,” he added.

“Intense economic collaboration also on energy”

“We want to build an articulated and in-depth partnership in many sectors of collaboration,” said Mattarella. “On an economic level – he recalled – the collaboration of many of our companies with Ghanaian ones is very intense and our companies look at Ghana and West Africa with great interest”. In this context, the “restored direct air connection – observed the Head of State – will allow for greater ease of relations”.

“We also have – he added – a traditional, great collaboration on the energy side, an important aspect of our partnership. Eni has been present in the country for a long time and will continue to be so, certainly overcoming the difficulties that had been created there but it is a collaboration that will be maintained and developed.”

“Migrants, regular and legal access is needed”

“Italy hosts a large and appreciated Ghanaian community, which is very well integrated and which contributes to the Italian economy and represents a bond of friendship between Ghana and Italy. All this naturally makes us think of the need to address the global problem together migratory phenomenon, growing and of large dimensions, which must be converted from a disorderly phenomenon in the cruel hands of human traffickers into a phenomenon regulated by legal access, by regular, authorized, mutually defined entries”, concluded Mattarella.

#Mattarella #Ghana #Mattei #Plan #equal #collaboration
– 2024-05-10 17:30:16

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