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Matilde Brandi Instagram, mourns: sad anecdote

A touching and intense message, the one entrusted to Instagram, by Matilde Brandi, recently released from GF Vip: she cries in mourning and reveals a sad anecdote

Matilde Brandi (Photo source: MediasetPlay, Verissimo)

The splendid and known Matilde Brandi, recently protagonist at GF VIP, shares an intense and touching message about Instagram, dedicated to Silvia Toffanin, sadly struck by the sad mourning of the mother, disappeared in these hours: in the text, also reveals a dramatic anecdote.

It is a difficult time for the beautiful and beloved Silvia, successful host of the show very true.

The presenter on several and varied occasions, through interviews with many well-known personalities and VIPs, has shown great empathy, in addition to a large capacity of I listen e sharing strong and special moments, experienced by its guests during the chats.

It is not surprising, therefore, that Matilde wanted dedicate some really beautiful and heartfelt words, while Toffanin is grappling with such a great one pain, experienced a few hours after his birthday, celebrated on October 26.

Silvia facethis, the beginning of the post in questionyou are a special girl, beautiful, true, sincere and you have always shown a big heart every time I came to Verissimo. “

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Matilde Brandi Instagram, weeps for Silvia Toffanin’s mourning: recalls a painful anecdote linked to Verissimo

Matilde Brandi weeps for her mourning, reveals the painful anecdote
Post by Matilde Brandi for Silvia Toffanin (photo source: Instagram, @matildebrandireal)

A really beautiful message that denotes great sensitivity, the one written and entrusted to Instagram gives Matilde Brandi, who dedicates his words to Silvia Toffanin, note conductor of very true, struck by the disappearance of her mother Gemma Parison.

Within the aforementioned message, next to a photo by Silvia, Matilde shows itself close to pain of the presenter, and tells a sad anecdote: “I remember last year you had tears from my mother’s bad illness, who then died the day after we recorded the show!”

It is now Brandi, as she herself writes, a to cry per lei and for the “Sweetest mother who flew to heaven”.

Matilde gives comfort to Silvia, explaining that her mother will always protect her and will be hers angelo. The message, which will certainly please Silvia, despite being struck by pain, ends with a “big hug“.

Also Very true, across the canal Instagram, the program she has successfully conducted for years, he wanted to dedicate a few but significant words to her in which the sharing of this painful moment is contained: “A big hug from all of us to our Silvia for the loss of her beloved mother Gemma ”.

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