Home » today » News » Maternal of A Coruña: The documentation of the deceased of Carballo has been available to the family for two weeks | Radio Coruña

Maternal of A Coruña: The documentation of the deceased of Carballo has been available to the family for two weeks | Radio Coruña

He A Coruña University Hospital Complex (Chuac) has “prepared” and “at its disposal” for “two weeks” the documentation requested by the family of the 37-year-old, a neighbor of Carballo, died at the end of March at the Maternal and Child Hospital of A Coruña, with your baby after undergoing an emergency cesarean section during the state of alarm, waiting for you to present the appropriate documentation to collect it.

This has been assured to Europa Press sources from Sergas, who have explained that “the requested documentation is prepared and at your disposal in patient care while waiting to be collected”.

For this, the same sources indicate, the family must present “the legally established supporting documentation.” “And so it was communicated to the applicants two weeks ago,” they stressed.

The family has sent a burofax addressed to the president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to claim the medical history to find out what happened and “turn the page.”

In the burofax sent through its legal representative, to which Europa Press had access, the family, through the youngest son of the deceased young woman -represented by his father, the pregnant woman’s partner- and the girl’s father recall that the President of the Xunta “publicly stated that this family deserved an explanation or response to their personal situation suffered.”

In addition, in the document sent to Feijóo, they recall that after the death of the woman in the operating room, “the body was ordered to be cremated a few hours after death.” And they recalled that the family asked for explanations for the death of this woman and her baby in childbirth, after which they met with the medical team at the Hospital complex of A Coruña.

Now in the burofax they affect that, after requesting the medical history, at the beginning of last April, “as of today and, after insisting constantly” they have not had access to it to “know what happened”.

“The family continues to live a strong emotional tension, not only because of the loss but because they have the feeling that something is happening outside their knowledge,” he laments in the burofax. “The duel is unbearable and the attitude of Chuac, Sergas, the Ministry of Health and the President of the Government of Galicia does not help this Galician family in these difficult moments in which they want to turn the page and live their pain with the certainty of know what has happened “, has abounded.

In this regard, the family indicates that “after calling and calling they only receive lengthy and absurd explanations.” The petitioners are also interested in knowing the people who accessed the victim’s medical record since the death, the reason for the access and whether that history The clinic was referred to a body outside the Galician health administration “, concludes the family in the burofax.


Relatives of the deceased and her baby went a few days after the events to the Coruña hospital where the medical team that treated the pregnant woman, 35 + 3 weeks, and a manager of the hospital where she died, explained what happened.

After that, the family reported that The medical team confirmed that the girl died of the coronavirus, which caused an “inflammatory storm”, because the virus adopted a “very aggressive behavior”, which, despite the efforts, caused the death after his daughter was still born.

In the discharge medical report, which mentions the cause of death and some data on the treatment received by the patient, “it was absolutely clear that she had no previous pathology” and had experienced a “rigorously normal pregnancy, with some incidence isolated, but nothing relevant, “said the family.

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