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Masto what? Meet “Mastodon”, some say the new Twitter

Mastodon was also mentioned as an alternative in early rumors of Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter. So, according to Eugen Rochko, the founder of Mastodon, in a toot 85,000 new users in a few days. Not anything, but not even a great run. Baert doesn’t expect people to change en masse now. “A lot of people go to have a look,” he explains.

Baert finds it particularly interesting, because it makes people think about their social media. “It is good that people see that there is an alternative with a different philosophy: an alternative that works on volunteers and does not seek income through advertising,” says the IT scientist. “If we want to use the social media that we own and don’t use, we may have to pay for it. If we want to maintain our privacy and data, we will have to pay a few dollars a month for it.”

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